Leadership is about future and change; direction and dedication; innovation and improvement.

Three “P”s in Paradoxical Leaders: The world is becoming hyper-connected & interdependent every day, and as a consequence every successful business has to sooner or later go beyond borders. At the same time the global business dynamic is only becoming more complex, uncertain, and ambiguous, Studies show that effective leaders display a marked level of ease and comfort when dealing with a paradox. Leading complex digital organizations is a challenge that transcends rational management and that requires paradoxical capabilities and behavioral complexity and competencies that distinguish great leaders from others. Paradoxes are conflicting choices or conditions that demand equal attention. Here are three pairs of “P” s in paradoxical leadership.
Three “W”s in Wise Leaders: Knowledge tends to be linear, but wisdom is often multidimensional. A wise mind is not full, but free; not about cleverness, but about humbleness; not about system or boxes, but about out-of-box; not about informativeness, but about openness. “Being wise” seems to be a bit old fashion, however, as a leader, the pursuit of wisdom is the only path to reach high maturity, from good to great, or from important to significant. Wisdom is not as superficial as winning only, or as countable as gray hairs, there are three “W”s in wise leaders.
Three “E”s in Effective Leaders: Perhaps “EFFECTIVENESS” is the most popular word to describe leadership in positive way, though it seems to be fundamental, doesn’t mean to be easier or tedious as an effective leader, because it takes character to do right things, it takes vision to pull up the future, it takes insight to understand deeper, it takes adaptability to learn, and it takes creativity to do things in better way. There are many “E” words in leadership, here are three key “E”s in the effective leadership.
Three “I”s in Insightful Leaders: If visionary leaders look on the horizon and take peek of future, then insightful leaders look beyond to capture the violet ray, or x-ray, to see underneath the surface; if visionary leaders are able to zoom in the future as if it were closer; then insightful leaders are capable of pulling past, present, and future together to dig into humanity and pursue universal wisdom. There are three “I”s in insightful leadership.
Three “S’s in Strategic Leaders: Perhaps many people thought to be strategic just means to think bigger or know strategy frameworks, strategic thinking is specified as being conceptual, systems-oriented, directional, linking the future with the past and opportunistic. It deals with "discovering novel, rewriting the rules of the competitive game." Statistically, only 10% of leaders exhibit strategic skills; if a good strategy embraces three “C”s: Creativity, Context, and Cascade, then a good strategic leader should also cultivate three “S”s quality.
Blogging is not about writing, but about thinking and innovating the new ideas; it’s not just about WHAT to say, but about WHY to say, and HOW to say it. It reflects the color and shade of your thought patterns, and it indicates the peaks and curves of your thinking waves. Unlike pure entertainment, quality and professional content takes time for digesting, contemplation and engaging, and therefore, it takes the time to attract the "hungry minds" and the "deep souls." It’s the journey to amplify diverse voices and deepen digital footprints, and it's the way to harness your innovative spirit.
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The Monthly Digital Leadership Brief Nov. 2015
Three "D"s in Digital Leaders
The Monthly Digital Leadership Brief Nov. 2015
Three "D"s in Digital Leaders
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