Insight is to perceive the present, and vision is to foresee the future.
The “Future of CIO” Blog has reached 1.2 million page views with 2300+ blog posting in 59+ different categories of leadership, management, strategy, digitalization, change/talent, etc. The content richness is not for its own sake, but to convey the vision and share the wisdom. Here is the weekly insight of the “Future of CIO” blog.

The Weekly Insight of the “Future of CIO” Blog 12/13/2015
- Talent Management Brief: See Through Talent from Different Angles Dec. 2015: People are always the most invaluable asset in businesses. “Hiring the right person to the right position at the right time,” is the mantra of many forward-thinking organizations. The question is how would you define the right people? How do you define wrong, average, mediocre, good, great or extraordinary person? Or put simply, for what should they be right? Traditional Performance Management focusing on measuring what an employee does (mainly being told to do) in a quantitative way is not sufficient to identify high performance or high potential, should we see through talent from different angles?
- CIO’s Digital Agenda XI - Running IT as an Innovation Engine. Majority of IT organizations today are still running at industrial speed, stick at the low or mid level of maturity, although technology is more often than not, the disruptive force for business and industry innovation, IT organizations seem to have a tendency to align with the slow changing parts of the organization, so how should CIOs prepare for the digital disruption and speed up accordingly? Here is the CIO’s Digital Agenda to run IT as an innovation engine.
- Three Mentalities Enlarge Digital Gaps: Lots have been said about transition and transformation to agile. Most organizations are already using agile of some form or shape. However, the business level agile transformation is a continuous journey. Like chicken and egg story. Do you first start with cultural transformation or start with agile adoption? Agile transformation is an important step in digital transformation, from doing Agile to being agile, how to manage it in a more effective way?
- The Shift from “Doing Agile” to “Being Agile”: Agile is an emerging methodology to manage software projects. Agility is a business capability to sense, respond, and act to changes. By following a set of Agile principles and philosophy, leading organizations is transforming from “doing Agile,” to “being Agile.” What’s the most important clarity such a journey?
Three Dot-Connections in Leadership Vision: Vision is to zoom into the future as if it were closer. Top leaders are supposed to be the guiding force in the organization or even with a broader scope, envisioning and leading it towards its future. Every C-level leader must participate in creating and shaping a company's vision. A visionary changes the course of business by seeing beyond what all other see or by charting new revenue or growth through the creation of a new product or market; or share their perception about future trends of business such as digitalization, innovation, or globalization. Here are three dot-connections in leadership vision.
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