Cookie Cutting approach often fails in leadership development, because authenticity cannot be replicated.

Practicing the real critical thinking in shaping independent thinking ability: Generally speaking, critical thinking is to make objective reasoning in order to form a judgment. Critical thinking is one of the most important skills to learn for career and life. There is evidence that business professionals, managers/leaders who utilize critical thinking with an evidence-based approach to decision making do better than those that don't. Critical thinking indeed includes many thinking patterns, such as analytics, synthesis, deductive thinking, creative thinking, etc. And the anti-critical thinking symptoms include reflexive thinking, compliance, group thinking syndrome, half-brain thinking or even no thinking, etc. Learning Critical Thinking methods require the person to acknowledge their own biases and prejudices before considering the information. From a biological point of view, one could consider the effort of critical thinking as training your mind to seek reason, or to reframe its approach to a conundrum in a certain way, it is the combined thinking skills for analyzing, evaluating, and producing coherent argumentation.Therefore, practicing the real critical thinking continually is a prerequisite to being an independent thinker.
Applying Creative thinking to connect the dots and think differently: Creativity is the high level of the thinking process and has interconnectivity with other thought processes such as critical thinking. Often, a creative person is an independent thinker who can think “out of the box,” and break down silo or conventional wisdom. A digital leader or professional must find ways to stimulate creativity, breakdown convention thinking patterns, be original and be yourself; practice creativity via trying to put two totally different things together to make something new, be adventurous and explore new possibilities. Being an independent thinker with creativity, perhaps more often than not, involves some level of discomfort and interdisciplinary transcendence, it’s how unusual dots getting connected and innate ideas getting sparked, and it also allows you to appreciate others’ great ideas, but not just follow others blindly. Keep your energy flows freely and be mindful all the time.

Either digital leaders or workers today must apply multi-intelligence properly and practice independent thinking all the time; it means to keep being yourself, practice real thinking, break down outdated rules or traditions, and improve leadership effectiveness and maturity.
"Digital Master" Book Series Slideshare Introduction"
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"Leadership Master" Introduction Blog
"Leadership Master" Chapter I Introduction
"Leadership Master" Chapter II Introduction
"Leadership Master" Chapter III Introduction
"Leadership Master" Chapter IV Introduction"
Leadership Master" Chapter V Introduction
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"Leadership Master" Introduction Blog
"Leadership Master" Chapter I Introduction
"Leadership Master" Chapter II Introduction
"Leadership Master" Chapter III Introduction
"Leadership Master" Chapter IV Introduction"
Leadership Master" Chapter V Introduction
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