The “Future of CIO” Blog has reached 1.5 million page views with 3000+ blog posting in 59+ different categories of leadership, management, strategy, digitalization, change/talent, etc. The content richness is not for its own sake, but to convey the vision and share the wisdom. Here is the weekly insight about digital leadership, IT Management, and Talent Management.
The Weekly Insight of the “Future of CIO” 8/19/2016
- How Responsive Could Digital IT Be? Digital is all about change with continuous disruptions and exponential information flow, a responsive IT means a lot of things for the business’s digital transformation: speed, innovation, agility, ambidexterity, modernization, intelligence, value creation, and maturity, etc. How responsive could IT be in order to ride learning curves, keep the pace of rapid changes, and accelerate digital transformation of the business?
- Digitizing Boardroom: The multifaceted Aspects of Digital-Ready Boards” New Book Preview Modern corporate boards play significant roles in guiding businesses toward the right direction and achieve expected business results. Due to the “VUCA” characteristics -Complexity, Uncertainty, Ambiguity and Velocity of the Digital Era, the directorship in any organization must have agility to adapt to changes, and build abilities to advise, inspire and motivate a group of people toward accomplishing shared visions and goals. If a Board is to fulfill its fiduciary responsibilities to its stakeholders, it needs to take a professional and systematic approach for assessing strategy, prioritizing agendas, advising changes, overseeing risks and keeping track of business performance via efficient tools. BoDs perhaps do not always participate in developing business strategy, but the Board needs to determine suitability, adequacy, viability, and sustainability of the organization in advances?
The New Book “Talent Maser- 199 Questions to See Through Talent from Different Angles” Introduction: Video We live in the dawn of the Digital Era with increasing speed of changes and overwhelming information flow, the knowledge cycle is significantly shortened, and there are huge skill gaps in the workplace as well. Growth mindsets, new skills, and digital capabilities are needed every day. So who are digital leaders and professionals today, how shall you define digital professionalism, leadership competency, how can you identify talent gaps, differentiate great talent from mediocre, and what are fresh perspectives of digital professional quality?
- Three Capabilities to Accelerate IT as Digital Growth Engin: Information and technology are pervasive, business transformation or any business initiatives today nearly always involves some form of technology implementation and information bases insight; IT touches both hard business processes and soft human behaviors. Hence, forward-thinking companies have to empower their IT organizations to drive digital transformations, which enterprise capabilities should IT build to deal with the emergent digital complexity with the new characteristics such as hyper-connectivity, hyper-density, and hyper-dynamism, and become a growth engine of a high mature digital business?
Three Aspects in Running a Hybrid IT and Digital Organization: We live in the world with both “old” and “new,” embracing digital is inevitable as that is now part of the reality. In order to lead change and drive digital transformation, IT should combine the old way to do things, and the new way to explore, the next practices and the best practices, take the balance of traditional hierarchy and flatter structure; keep the lights on,” and “doing more with innovation.” Either from management, technology or talent perspective, Is HYBRID the right way to move forward with the right speed ?
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