Performance keeps your business running, churning numbers, etc, whereas potential can bring your company to the next level.
52 Communicate, delegate, trust, and hold accountable. TRUST is bi-directional.

53 We need a well-developed ego, but we have to keep it under control.
54 Every profession or role has its unique influence in the world, being persuasive is an important professional quality.
55 Dedicated people focus on thinking, growing, and innovating.
56 Humility is not an opposite of confidence, but an ultimate level of being confident.
57 Professional maturity is not always associated with age, maturity is a manner to handle life and career.
58 It is difficult to have a highly competitive organization without highly professional and competitive talent.
59 Performance keeps your business running, churning numbers, etc, whereas potential can bring your company to the next level.
60 Performance keeps the business moving, and potential makes the business growth, transform, and leap to the next level of maturity.
61 The strength is not equal to linear skills; it’s the good combination of character, mindset, talent, knowledge, and expertise.
62 The professional versatility is based on a set of onion-like cohesive, integral, and recombinant capabilities.
63 Attitude leaps altitude; altitude inspires attitude.
64 If we can learn to think more dynamically, then we’ll be better equipped to adapt and thrive in the ever-changing, increasingly unpredictable and uncertain world in which we live.
65 Motivation is having a passion or drive for achievement and continuous improvement.
66. It takes courage, confidence, and intelligence to overcome the “fear of failure.”
67 The advancement of a digital professional starts from inside-out: the open and forward-looking mind flow.
68 Both introverts and extroverts need to think profoundly, express thoughtfully and act wisely.
69. Though not every employee is in the strategic position, every employee needs to have the right dose of “big picture” thinking.
70. A high-influential person is positive, full of insight, to convey and sustain influence with the continuum.
71 A profound mind is like a big ocean, deep, but also open and inclusive.
72 Knowledge and understanding lead us to beauty, truth, and empathy.
73 Leadership is complex, and although it has many facets, at its core, the foundation of leadership is based on authenticity.
74 Human potential is like spring water, the deeper you dig, the more it flows out.
75. “Digital fit” should be first defined as “mind fit,” and then following with attitude fit and behavior fit.
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