Enterprise IT organizations are likely to be winners on the whole—if IT starts to plan and accelerate the digital transformation.
Information and technology are pervasive, business transformation or any business initiatives today nearly always involves some form of technology implementation and information-bases insight; IT touches both hard business processes and soft human behaviors. Hence, forward-thinking companies have to empower their ITorganizations to drive digital transformations, which enterprise capabilities should IT build to deal with the emergent digital complexity with the new characteristics such as hyper-connectivity, hyper-density, and hyper-dynamism, and become a growth engine of a high-mature digital business?

Digital Innovation: IT needs to update its mantra from “doing more with less,” to “doing more with innovation.” Because information is the gold mine businesses today need to dig in for discovering the new growth opportunity, and technology is the disruptive force behind the digital transformation. IT enables business innovation creates value propositions that would move your prospects to become your clients; more importantly, to improve customer retention. IT shifts to be more “I” focus: Innovation, Information, Intelligence, Integration, Improvement, Interface, there are numerous perceptions of IT guiding business towards the right direction and to deliver innovative services / solutions for either delighting customers or exploring new opportunities, with the goal to run a high innovative and high-competitive digital business.
Digital Intelligence: IT provides a nervous system to the business. Business needs IT to provide better quality and real-time information to achieve improved profitability. If intelligence built is poor or not managed in a proper way, it may lead to wrong decisions and hence impact on the business. But if IT can capture insight/foresight, the business would prosper and grow. It totally depends on a deep understanding of the business and implementing it using IT tools and techniques. It could mean providing data which will help dissect the trends and help business create more products, services, solutions, and ultimately provide insight which will help measure the value-add of what is delivered as a product or service so quick adjustments can be made to keep profits coming. One of the most important goals for running a digital IT is to deliver precise, authentic and on-time information to the business for making right decisions at the right time to make efficient use of all other resources, and hence running a high-intelligent and high effective digital organization.

Enterprise IT organizations are likely to be winners on the whole—if IT starts to plan and accelerate the digital transformation. Because the importance of IT to the enterprise will increase, as the depth of their relationships with users throughout the enterprise, and its unique position to oversee processes. Running IT as the business’s growth engine, along with an effective strategy, and measurable execution will achieve a high-performance result and improve organizational competency.
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