It’s not a matter of being reactive or responsive. It is not a matter of being fearful or brave. It is a matter to add value to the business or not.

Running a highly responsive IT means IT needs to be proactive, not reactive: It is the way to run a digital IT and an overall digital organization. However, in most organizations, IT is setting back and waiting for the request. Many CIOs graduate from IT management where their job was to maintain. The transition from a maintenance mindset to a value creation mindset is a stretch for some, but it's crucial to reinvent the tarnished IT reputation. IT has to be configured in a way to understand the business and set processes and build dynamic capabilities to meet the business and market need timely in a continuous delivery mode. IT has to be a strategic advisor to business for proactively understanding the business challenges and work collaboratively to deliver business solutions and maximize revenues. The value of IT shouldn’t be measured via the internal operational IT lenses, but via the business lens, and customers’ perspectives. Running a highly responsive IT needs to get support from front desks to boardrooms, digital thinking means new learning attitude, from the business side, it means to show the constructive dissatisfaction, understands risks, but also grasp growth opportunities for businesses. It takes positive thinking, top leadership teams' empowerment, as well as enterprise-wide support to unleash the potential of IT and reach ultimate goals via bringing higher than expected business performance.
The level of IT responsiveness depends on how well CIOs can balance real technology needs against the risk tolerance of the enterprise: A CIO needs to first understand their business and industry, then evaluate technology based on the value or competitive advantage it brings to the business, and the potential risks -Is the technology proven or is it so new that it presents undue risk to the organization? Usually, IT is accountable for potential risks, that's why CIOs feel cautious about adopting new technologies. Many CIOs prefer to be fast followers to see how technology actually stands up and learning from other’s failure lessons or success stories. So there’s always a compromise to make, and balance to strike for quality and speed. The goal is to be fast enough and taking calculated risks for capturing business opportunities, but be cautious of risks and pitfalls on the way.

To run a highly responsive and highly effective IT, IT management must get a feeler of the business view. IT must be measured through a business viewpoint. That should help in trying new technologies as a business enabler. Secondly, it is the CIO's ability to "sell" the business value at the C-Level. It’s not a matter of being reactive or responsive. It is not a matter of being fearful or brave. It is a matter to add value to the business or not. And IT needs to reinvent itself, to become a business catalyst and value creator, rather than just a cost center and supporting function.
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