Digital knowledge workforce has high innovation potential.

Digital knowledge workforce has high innovation potential: Today’s digital professionals are innovative workers, hard workers, knowledge workers and intelligent workers, who are exploring, innovating and evolving bringing new digital paradigms. After all, we all find new ways to make our work "easier," more rewarding, better for ourselves, our customers/clients and for our society. Everyone displays innovation at some stage, some more often than others, some make more impact than others. It is the manager's/leader's role to encourage and nurture those who display these characteristics. -Individuals that have the intrinsic ability to think outside the box, and it is important to update talent management practices and performance measurement to encourage creativity and inspire learning, exploring and innovating.
Collective necessity vs. Collective Uniqueness: The staff’s collective competitive necessity will keep the business light on, assess talent with a set of skills which are necessary to do daily tasks bring both quantified and qualified result; this is traditional competency model based on. Do not underestimate their collective uniqueness which can help grow and even transform the organization. The management need pay more attention to those shining spots: Who can bring unique POVs, who can discover the better way to solve problems, who takes extra miles to delight customers; who can think independently and challenge conventional wisdom, who is just unconventionally different, who is positive influencers for business culture? And who are those transformers to push the business up to the higher maturity? For long-term business growth, organizations should recruit correct mindset, ability to learn and grow. Performance management systems and processes should gradually move away from a static, unidirectional, and time-bound avatar to a more dynamic, continuous, and interactive state. Improved transparency, goal tracking, real-time feedback, and enterprise-wide acknowledgment/ recognition of achievements are some of the key drivers, which result in the adoption of digital and social performance management systems.
Digital is the age of people: “SELF” is not just about "ME," but about authenticity via self-awareness, self-motivation, and self-assessment: Digital business encourage autonomy, discovery, and mastery, and help talent people climb up the Maslow’s self-realization pyramid. From performance management perspective, it is important for employees to do self-reflection, self-assessment, and self-improvement to discover "Who they are," via leveraging both thinking performance and action performance. Thinking Performance can make the assessment on employees’ vision, cognition, creativity, and leadership potential. Such a due performance assessment allows the employee to feel they are important and the organization is committed to their development whatever that may be. It can drive both employees and supervisors thoughts in the process. It is not a management check in the box. It is required developmental conversations and plans that are conducted with valued team members. The whole concept is obviously more involved than just evaluating quantitatively.
Digital professionals today have both explicit knowledge and contextual understanding about today’s business complexity; digital leaders and professionals are both explorer and expert who continue to learn, practice and grow; digital professionals today are both information savvy and add high value to the information and create new knowledge upon it, with the innovating as their habit. Digital professionals are not just the human resource to plug-in, but human capital to invest in.
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