The damage caused from getting measurement wrong usually exceeds the potential benefit from getting them right.
IT is the foundation of data, information, and modern knowledge. The biggest misnomer regarding IT is that it is "just technology." The most powerful and differentiating tool in all of the today's businesses is INFORMATION and that, is provided by IT systems. How to pick the right metrics, fine-tune your organization’s information management to get the business digital ready?

IT Metrics Selection and Performance Management
- Three Aspects in IT Metrics? "If you can't measure, you can't manage," legendary management guru Peter Drucker once asserted. He was right -- just not right enough. The fact of the matter is it's a lot easier to get metrics wrong than right, and the damage caused from getting them wrong usually exceeds the potential benefit from getting them right. This is particularly insightful to measure modern IT performance, it’s no longer a single discipline to measure efficiency anymore, how to measure IT effectiveness and business innovation effort is more crucial than ever.
- How to Measure Software Quality? Software eats the world, all forward-looking organizations declare they are at information businesses and strive for software quality, but most of them may not know how to define quality. As quality, especially software quality is contextual and relative, but still, there can be set of guidelines which could help the team to follow the best practices and measure software quality accordingly.
- Ten Disciplines to Measure IT Performance? At today’s rapidly changing environment, information & technology become a more invaluable asset for business to survive and thrive, on the other hand, many IT organizations are struggling with the image as a cost center, intend to improve reputation as a service center and value center through high IT performance. When you think of "IT performance," what comes to mind? Operational excellence such as customer satisfaction, IT effectiveness or efficiency, or strategic value such as competitive advantage, leadership edge, cultural agility. How to measure IT performance more effectively may base on the audience, the nature and size of your business.
- How to Connect the Dots between PI vs. KPI? Performance Indicators (PI) measure progress across a broad range of intended outcomes (goals, objectives, even outputs) and are used at all levels of the organization. Key Performance Indicators can be a subset of PIs, or they can roll several PIs into one (an index). KPIs are used to measure overall progress of the organization toward its mission and primary goals -- they are high-level indicators that everyone in the organization can relate to. KPIs are often used to create corporate dashboards; they can be used in PR documents and other reporting tools to present an organization's outcomes to the public.
.The KPI Promises & Pitfalls? You can only manage what you measure, defining the right set of Key Performance Indicators is important for managing project or business effectively and measuring KPIs to keep track of progress makes a certain level of promise for success. However, there are also big pitfalls when selecting or measuring the wrong KPIs. What is a good process to determine the right KPIs, and what is the process to change it when they are no longer relevant?
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