Hybrid Thinking is a set of digital minds integrating the multiple thought processes to think big, think deeper, think broader, and think critically, etc.
We live in the digital world with all sorts of hybrid solutions. Organizations today are not limited to the physical buildings, but well mixed with virtual collaborations. Social business is perceived as the future of organization within the hybrid, networked, and extended modern working environment to empower workforce sharing thoughts and ideas, to engage customers and partners voicing their concerns and feedback, and to encourage broader conversations and interactions with the business ecosystem. Hybrid Thinking is a set of interdisciplinary and integrative thinking processes we will need to solve many of today’s complex problems which require strategic consideration, systems intelligence, innovative approaches, cross-cultural and cross-generational perspectives.

Agile Critical Thinking: The Digital Era is the hybrid era: the physical world is blurring with virtual world, the work life is blurring with personal life, and the hard disciplines such as science and engineering are blurring with soft disciplines such as art and philosophy, etc., the “STEM” extends to “STEAM.” Hybrid Thinking can combine different thinking patterns in order to analyze and synthesize for effective problem-solving. How about Agile Thinking meeting with Critical Thinking? Agile Thinking can apply to creative, strategic, self-reflective or collective thought processes, etc. Critical Thinking helps to recognize that logic and reason alone are not enough, and maintain low ceilings because if logic and reason were the keys, all problems would have been solved a long time ago. “Agile Critical Thinking” approach is to teach people how to apply Critical Thinking techniques to evaluate and incorporate data about individual differences, team dynamics, and organizational realities into the equation rather than dismiss or minimize their impact.
A Simplexity Mind: Both simplicity and complexity are states of minds. Simplicity and complexity are just opposite ends of the same spectrum. You need complexity to understand and appreciate simplicity, and vice versa. It’s all about balance and perception. In the core of simplicity lies complexity. Science is about simplifying complex things. It decodes the unseen, and the unseen is always complex because it is not known. Simplicity is a behavioral attitude of seeing things as and what and where they are, and being content and cool as still as a calm ocean. Simplicity is an aspect of “appropriate” abstraction from the storms in ways on the surface. Elegance is a good word to convey “just right” simplicity.

Therefore, Hybrid Thinking is not just another digital “buzzword,” but a set of digital minds integrating the multiple thought processes to think big, think deeper, think broader, and think critically, etc. in solving complex problems and making tough decisions.
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