1 The condition of being human is being who you are via self-reflection and self-realization.
2 In the world of self-help, self-awareness, self-change, there is always one clear issue: the issue of self, you.
3 The process of reflection is the foundation of growth, evolution, progress, learning, improvement, and refinement.
4 Better understand yourselves and how knowing who you are and your own style of influence affect how you respond and interact with your surroundings.
5 Every person has the ability to be creative, set aside time daily, weekly or monthly and truly take a step back to reflect and exercise to flesh your “creativity” muscles.
6 Self-awareness mind provides clarity, versatility, gives you directional opportunities for personal growth, helps you build on your strengths and improve on your weaknesses.
7 The condition of being human is to first find our true identity through self-reflection, self-realization and thereby avoid being a victim of situations and circumstances.
8 Know who you are and how you react and respond to different situations can help you understand and improve cognitive, relational and assertive actions you take on a day to day basis, spend more time on the creative activity.
9 Every person is unique and we all have our own strength and weakness. Knowing who you are or being self-aware, allows you to become a better person or a higher quality professional.
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