Power is not a tool; it is a state of being.
Power is not a bad thing, the will power can connect the nature and human world; the brainpower can stimulate all kinds of creativity; the knowledge power is the key for any sorts of human progress, and even the legitimate power can keep certain level of order in the mankind society. So the "problem" with power is that most don't understand it and, therefore, either fear it or abuse it. So what is the positive thinking about power, is power a tool or a state of beings?
Power is the sunshine when making positive influence: Power is the great thing if you can use it to make positive influence on the world via planting seeds of empowerment, inspiration and creative possibilities. It doesn't matter what your role/job title may be. When you become aware that you have the power/ability to affect positive change for the greater good, you need to be continuously aware of your own habits of biases/prejudices, and prevent yourselves from falling into those old habits.
Power has many different formats; some visible, some invisible; some are earned, some are given; some are delightful, some are intimidating; here are a few different types of powers:
Informational power: It is about the value or importance of information and knowledge.
Expert power: It comes from a person’s expertise. This is commonly a person with an acclaimed skill or accomplishment.
Coercive power: It is associated with people who are in a position to punish others. People fear the consequences of not doing what is asked of them.
Connection power: It is based upon whom you know. This person knows, and has the ear of, other powerful people within the society.
Legitimate power: It comes from the position a person holds. This is related to a person’s title and responsibilities.
Referent power: The ones who are well-liked and respected hold this kind of power.
Reward power: It is based upon a person’s ability to bestow rewards.

Power is a state of beings. Power is about 'holding' more than it is about 'using'. It is about being who I am and respecting another person right to do the same, despite how I see that in my world. Power is not a value statement - it is a state of being. By choosing to stand in my own power and respectfully holding a space for another's point of view, there is no conflict. It is our judgment, the way we measure people which creates the conflict. When we see people as lesser or greater than ourselves we set up an invented hierarchical system which must be obeyed, used abusively or bowed down to. Power is not a tool; it is a state of being.
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