The visionary mind is looking for possibilities; and the victimized mind is focusing upon perceived limitations.
Human society is not perfect, though continually makes progress. In every step of societal evolution, from agricultural society to industrial society; from information age to digital era, in order to pursue freedom, equal opportunity, education, love or happiness, many brave souls became the victims of old traditions or out-of-dated culture; many high potential talent turn to be victim due to the silo thinking, negative emotions, unprofessional-ism or unhealthy competition; and many loyal customers fall to the victim due to the poor customer service or lack of empathy. When facing the difficulty, setback, vilification, bias or any other negativity, what’s your thinking scenario, visionary mind vs. victim mind, which one should you take?

The visionary mind is looking for possibilities; and the victimized mind is focusing upon real/perceived limitations. If nothing else, one can always control how you choose to respond to any stimulus, you might not be able to change "what" happens, but you can choose "how" you will respond to it and what you can "be" to move forward. Every situation and person in life is not what it appears, but is subject to our interpretation of what appears. If confronted with a situation we realize that we have a stay stuck or to find a way, then those two choices give us possibilities. When we imagine that we have no choice, we often feel like a victim of our circumstances.
The visionary mind thinks in positive way, while a victimized mind reasons with negativity. Positive thinking is knowing you challenges ahead, and have the self-efficacy to deal with them. It helps radar the experience! Although in the primitive of agricultural society or the silo of industrial surrounding, the positivity can be just as much a stuck place as negativity. The digital era shuns the new light to make the big shift, the visionary mind can think the new way to do the things, now the “victimized customers” can amplify their voice via social channel, share their feedback more effectively; the “victimized talent” can climb the social ladder to demonstrate their thought, talent and skills, and make continuous delivery; the “cultural victim” can nowadays more easily migrate into the new nation and live a brand new life, and make effort to breakdown the old traditions. The victimized mind may only focus on damage because it reduces your well-being beforehand and makes you take less action than would be possible. But the right dose of negative thinking does have its advantages, exploring the worst possible scenarios can help prepare for the worst and expect the best, as long as you won’t fall into the completely victimized mind by losing the trust and confidence; character and values.
In many circumstances, people vacillate between the two positions. However that vacillating gives you a better vantage point from which to ask selves "Which stance leaves you in the more empowered position to do something about changing this?" Visionary implies an openness to what is trying to emerge. Which have I learnt by? in order to began asking 'how can we create a better tomorrow' we first have to engage with that we want to change. Engaging with disturbance and discovering 'what is trying or needing to emerge. There' is a learned process which involves mastery of sitting in the fire and remaining open to potentiality. The visionary mind with cautious optimism can shun the light on what the future will look like regardless of the obstacles and setback they got hit.
Digital is the age of change, choices, empathy and people centricity; the visionary minds are in demand to lighten up the dawn of the new era, to make the human progress cohesively, consistently and collaboratively, it is a mind to make peace, shape the character and focus on the future either being glorified or vilified. And it takes the vision to zoom into the future, the strategy to navigate through the journey and the intelligence to act thoughtfully.
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