Organizational development is part of the digital strategy, and digital strategy equals to business strategy
with digital new normal.
Organizational Development helps organizationsbecome more mature by providing an environment
within which employees at all levels are inspired
and allowed to commit their best in the organization's
service. This is definitely a leadership challenge
because effective leaders inspire that commitment
habitually. However, in most of the organizations,
the leadership of that ilk is in short supply.
What's the digital vision of business leaders and
how to clearly define the business goals of
such organizational tuning?
Development could regain some of the reputation it once had if businesses focused more on the root causes
that employees are not engaged fully, and not spend so much time chasing and trying to treat the symptoms.
This requires that management starts with a complete and accurate diagnosis of the organization's current
state, identifying any barriers to excellence that may exist, then develop strategies for lowering or removing
those barriers. This diagnostic shortcoming is where most Organizational Development processes get off to
a poor start.
Organizations need to have an in-depth understanding of gains and pains of organizational
development: Very few of organizations understand all the gains they will enjoy from such initiatives
in their organizations. Gains in profitability, agility, new learning, sales growth and market domination
for a starter. Gains in culture change (adaptability and responsiveness), in innovation rate and employee
retention for the second level of gains; the behavior change comes first; right at the top reward of the team
and not individuals. And then remove the fear of the unknown as they go towards implementation
(and there are many unknowns on this journey). The behaviors change comes first; right at the top reward
of the team and not individuals. And then remove the fear of the unknown as they go towards
implementation, there are many unknowns on the change journey.
management: Old line leaders expect command-control, young people demand engagement.
Old line leaders view the performance from a behavioral compliance to norms world, young people view
performance as largely knowledge- based, particular to technology, the assessment of both thinking
performance and doing performance objectively. Many 'classic' organizations and managers can be a
presence based (you can only do your job if you're physically here) when 'newer' employees increase
their engagement when they feel trusted to get the job done...when and where they think is most opportune. The work is what you accomplish, not where you go.
is easy. If you don't take the time and make the effort to get the strategy right, you could end up "doing
the wrong things right." It will also take effective leadership to drive strategy execution. Low motivation
leads to low commitment. To be an effective leader and see positive results, you must be invested,
empowered and motivated yourself, if you plan to motivate others, rather than ignoring an employees
growth, potential or pointing out their areas of weakness, offer proper training and encouragement,
catch them doing something right... A little goes a long way.
nowadays. It is an important tuning step in business's digital transformation. It is also not just one leader
or one department's effort but needs to have the sponsorship from the whole senior leadership team and
the collective effort from different functions, in order to well align the best talent, the effective processes
and the latest digital technologies for gaining high-performing business result and improve organizational
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