Debating is not for stimulating conflicts, but for brainstorming better ways to do things.

How to Set Priority Right to Run a Digital IT Apr. 2016
- What are CIO’s Top Priorities? Nowadays, information is the lifeblood of business, and technology is the big brain of the organization, there are so many things in CIO’s agenda, IT is always in overload mode, and CIOs seem to be at hot seat. Therefore, in order to run IT more effectively and efficiently, how shall CIOs prioritize the projects, and what shall be put on the top of CIO’s agenda?
- Can Money Buy Innovation? It is very important to recognize that innovation is an essential factor for a company success. Organizations need both: out of the box and in the box/core innovation; both breakthrough innovation and incremental and evolutionary innovation, how to accomplish this balance is a crucial issue for organizations. From innovation management perspective, what’re the resources and key success factors to lead innovation success, can money buy innovation?
- Shall a CIO be a General Manager of IT or a SME of all IT Domains? Today’s CIOs have multiple roles to play and take broader leadership responsibilities in transforming their organizations. Should a CIO be a general manager of IT or a subject matter expert (SME) of all IT domains?
- How Should CIO respond to endless internal customer demand for IT solutions? Modern IT needs to both take care of internal customers by meeting their needs, and to delight end customer by optimizing digital touch points; it has to both map out the strategic projects, but also to keep the light on. How should CIO prioritize the limited time and resources to ascend IT maturity, and how should CIO respond to endless internal customer demand for IT solutions? Most of IT organizations fall into the following three types of mentality.
- IT Transformation Debate: Shall IT Lead or Follow? More often than not, technology is the catalyst for driving business change and digital transformation, however, in most of the companies, IT is still perceived as an order taker and support function, and most of IT organizations get stuck at the lower level of maturity for functional alignment or enabler. So IT is at a crossroad: Shall IT lead or follow? Should IT leadership rock the boat or just keep it afloat? And how to run digital IT with high speed and agility?

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