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The “Future of CIO” Blog has reached 1.3 million page views with 2700+ blog posting in 59+ different categories of leadership, management, strategy, digitalization, change/talent, etc. The content richness is not for its own sake, but to convey the vision and share the wisdom. Here is the weekly insight about digital leadership, and Talent Management.

The Weekly Insight of the “Future of CIO” 4/29/2016
- Five Mental Characteristics in Systems Thinking to Shape Digital Leadership Systems Thinking (ST) is the ability to navigate levels of abstraction or logic as an essential thinking skill. Most folks follow the conventional way of thinking, it is what they have always been taught and learned to do. But digital leaders need to understand things and circumstances in a more holistic way or think differently in order to clear the vision and navigate the uncharted water to lead digital transformation seamlessly. But how can they leverage Systems Thinking, what are specific mental characteristics in Systems Thinking to shape digital leadership effectiveness?
- "CIO Master" Book Tuning XVII: IT’s Digital Portfolio: IT plays a significant role in the business’s digital transformation journey. To reimagine IT potential, reinvent IT management and maximize IT value, it is important to build a balanced IT digital portfolio with a set of differentiated capabilities to enable business growth and improve IT and overall organizational operational excellence. Generally speaking, a capability is an ability that an organization, person, or system possesses. Capabilities are typically expressed in general and high-level terms and typically require a combination of people, processes, and technology to achieve. Digital Capability Portfolio management is essential to successful strategy management. So What’s in an IT digital portfolio?
- "Digital Valley" Book Tuning I: How to Apply Creativity Wisdom in Problem Solving?Creativity is expressive, productive, inventive, innovative and emergent. The innovators are simply those who can see what's around, and easily and effortlessly discover a better way to do things. Every one of us has creative strength. Some have strength in “thinking” - generating ideas and options, reframing issues or queries in understanding things via different way; other people excel at “seeing,” or observing - spotting interesting challenges and opportunities, trend surfing or noticing the significant details that others do not; and some others are good at “acting,’ they take thoughts and notions and figure out a place, manage logistic to make the idea a reality. So how to build a highly innovative team or organization, and take a structural approach for applying creativity in problem-solving?
- CIO Master Tuning: XIV: How to Overcome Three Pitfalls to Accelerate Digital Paradigm Shift Digital means the increasing speed of changes, hyperconnectivity, and always-on business dynamic. Corporate change can be a simple modification of strategy, a business process improvement or a more radical digital transformation. Either at the individual or organizational level, in the static industrial era, change is often a one-time project; in the Digital Age, change has to become an ongoing capability. But what are barriers you need to overcome in order to manage change more effectively?
“CIO Master” Tuning:XV: How to Build a Trustworthy Relation between IT and Business Business Change Management is managing everything that is necessary to get people to adopt new ways of working such as stakeholder management, communications, process or organizational change, training, business readiness and technical change management. etc, also helps to close the gaps between IT and business. Trust is the key, which means IT needs to behave more like an integral part of the business. But how to build a trustworthy culture within IT, between IT and business, and within the organizational scope?
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