IT provides hindsight, insight, and foresight of the business and overall business visibility.
Traditional IT organizations act as an invisible back office and the support function of the company, to keep the lights on, thus, often IT has been perceived as the cost center in the industrial age. Nowadays, information is one of the most valuable business assets, and technology is often the disruptive force of digital innovation. Perhaps the biggest value-adds from IT is VISIBILITY for itself and for the business as a whole, to improve transparency, effectiveness, and maturity.

IT provides hindsight, insight, and foresight of the business and overall business visibility: Through managing information well, IT allows business departments, stakeholders, and executive clearly see what is happening in the business, from producing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to generate reports, to publishing information on a centralized portal. Too many organizations focus on the “T” in IT which is Technology in the past, high performance IT should focus on the ‘I’ for Information, because IT provides the hindsight of business operation, customer insight for understanding what the customer really needs or will want, technological vision - the foresight of the digital trend and overall business visibility and transparency. The CIO needs to be an enabler of the business strategic objectives. The general expectation of IT has changed. Not only are they being seen as an enabler, but they are also now mandatorily required to give ROI for the investments, and it helps drive the digital transformation.
IT needs to increase its own visibility via guiding the company level business conversations, not just being an order taker: There are two categories at the very top of the CIO’s responsibility: Listen to the needs of the company and perform to the ultimate level to meet those needs. Those two have many subcategories. CIOs need to guide the company's conversation to define a clear vision for the IT department. More often this is easier said than done. But once the roadmap is defined, keep the executive staff engaged and do so often. Make it clear that the direction and accomplishments of IT are directly affected by the entire company's involvement. Make IT integrated into the company while avoiding making it a separate "stand-alone" department. Digital IT should put emphasis on three “I”s: Interaction, Incrementalism, and Improvement for communication enforcement in developing a trusted, working relationship with correct stakeholders. The connection between IT and business lies in using the common language to help businesses cross that bridge to IT. They should promote training and robust communication policies that keep enterprise-wide goals in sight, without stifling collaboration and creativity.

The faster the top leadership team understands that IT is not just technical, but rather business-driven, the high visible IT can elevate its maturity from “reactive to change” to proactively driving business transformations. IT can also help varying business functions improve visibility via enforcing cross-functional communication and collaboration, and ultimately make the entire organization more visible via building a strong business reputation and strengthen the organizational brand.
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