The most important thing is that you need to define the quality as leadership and quality as management.
Quality is defined by a number of factors, such as performance, manageability, operability, reusability, reliability, availability, etc. Many say quality attracts quality, and to effectively lead an organization into good practices to focus on quality attributes takes work and a level of credibility within the organization. In reality, many organizations still operate and get stuck at the lower level of maturity due to the quality management gaps. Quality is not just the specific task of one single business department or function, it is one of the management disciplines which needs to be taken in a systematic way. The quality gaps are varying, how to identify and close them and improve the overall business effectiveness and maturity?

Where there are ineffectiveness and inefficiency in business management, there are the quality gaps existing: Quality (Efficiency + Effectiveness = Q) is doing the right thing right, the first time, with no backlog and wastage and highest customer satisfaction rate. Efficiency means a way to measure how well you are in what you are doing in terms of available resources or money. Generally, you have to have effectiveness first, and then make the effect more efficient. Then it is a good way to measure the effectiveness and bottom line is the economy. Efficiency is to do what is effective, achieve high customer satisfaction with less operating cost, and achieve productivity and satisfaction for employees leveraging good teamwork, to improve the quality of business management.
When the moral is low and employee engagement and productivity decrease, there is the quality gap in people management: As a degree of quality is in everything people do and experience. People are always the weakest link in organizations. What is required is clarifying the purpose and engaging all the people involved working together as a team to excel in the delivery of product/service, as quality management is to help them in doing what they are doing better, easier and so on. Therefore, high-quality people should also improve the quality of products, services, and overall organizational maturity. Quality employees are the ones who can think and work independently, have excellent problem-solving skills, well disciplined, have a "customer focus," and bring positivity and wisdom to the workplace. Quality people management means that finding someone who is not doing her/his job correctly. That does not mean that these individuals are lazy or any other negative characteristics. Then, the quality team checks how far this individual from doing his/her job correctly, and digital through the root causes and improve overall workforce productivity and engagement.
When customers are not delightful, there are quality gaps in products/service/process and overall management: Quality Management is basically the fundamental purpose of serving the customer and meeting or exceeding their expectations. The rest of them are the tools, which can be used as the situation warrants. All the factors raised in the discussion are to address some of the aspects, which eventually influence the customer's satisfaction. Without human interactions, quality is not possible. How quality is defined and measured is crucial. It’s about putting profound knowledge, processes, and tools actually used in actions and delivered it, and the most important thing is that you need to define quality as management and quality as leadership. This can be the basic quality of the product/service, attracting new customers, retaining customers and so on.
When people cannot get the right information to make the right information on time, there is the data/information/insight gap: Information Management quality means quality data, quality management, and quality measurement. By “quality data, ” it means clean, organized, actionable data from which to extract relevant information and insight. Data quality does not end with managing the incorrect entry of information, but the logic of data has to be taken into account too. You can walk through all the various dimensions of data quality such as accuracy, consistency etc, but business context is indeed a very important perspective. The gaps between data and useful information, the gap between information and knowledge/insight will directly impact the business decision-making effectiveness and overall business maturity. Poor information management implies not understanding what raw material they have to play with; poor leadership, not understanding the importance of information/knowledge; or poor measurement, not applying worthwhile evaluation to it to reveal the inherent value.

High-quality enterprise is comprised of high-quality people, high-quality products/services, and high-quality business capabilities/processes, etc. People quality often decides the quality of the other part of the business. High-quality leaders or employees are great in attitude, aptitude, and altitude, with a winning mixture composed of character, intelligence, and competence in a humble frame of self-esteem which makes aware of his/her quality without needing to show them. High-quality staff can deliver high-quality products/services/solutions, also build high quality and differentiated organizational capabilities and business competency. Quality is crucial for the business to reach the next level of digital maturity.
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