Knowledge pertains to knowing and to intelligence while wisdom has to do with the soundness of judgment.
Intellectual transformation is the 'realization of 'knowledge to wisdom. Wisdom is not knowledge; one cannot have wisdom without knowledge, but one cannot substitute wisdom for knowledge as well. Knowing what you do not know is at the very least a large part of wisdom, and far too often sorely lacking in people. Wisdom is knowing the truth of it well enough as to be able to discern that from the choices, as to make the one choice that is seen as a wise choice. Then knowledge is the result of lessons we learned by exploitation of our wisdom! As wisdom encourages to keep on gathering facts and learning knowledge. Wisdom + Knowledge = Life Journey- a never-ending fact-discovery mission.
Knowledge ls learned, and wisdom is earned: Wisdom is a willingness to accept that, there is unknown in life journey. Putting aside all the trained thoughts, systems and boxes, let the open possibility come connecting naturally. The way to attain wisdom is to have an open mind, be aware you could be wrong, learn from your experiences and those of others, be aware yours is not the only valid worldview, learn to see the world from different angles. Wisdom is learning what you don't know and then sharing what you have learned. This is acquired over a period of time as you gain experience. Because more often, our own knowledge or knowing is a barrier to knowing more. Wise are those who accept their lack of knowledge and are ready to drop their self-created beliefs systems and preconceived notions.
Knowledge pertains to knowing and to intelligence while wisdom has to do with the soundness of judgment: Many people do wrong things, not because of ignorance, but because of the poor judgment, due to the lack of comprehensive knowledge, bias, or preconceived notions. It is imperative to identify what causes manifestly intelligent people so frequently make such poor decisions. Do they lack independent thinking, critical reasoning or interdisciplinary knowledge? Do they think "too fast" without necessary "thinking slowly"? Do they focus too many trivial details, with ignorance of the big picture? Wisdom is to be understood within this context. Wisdom= f(Applying what we think we know, Experience, Learning, Unlearning and relearning, Sharing Knowledge and Experience).

Filling the gap between knowledge and wisdom is taking the path for developing and growing into high-mature human beings. We have a limited bandwidth and hence choose to pursue knowledge that will benefit us in some way - an eminently logical choice. We become wise when we are humble enough to be aware of and admit what we don't know and share what we know. Wisdom and humility go hand in hand. So we can not only get older but also grow wiser.
Good article and right to the point. Finally, I’ve found something that helped me. Thank you!
Knowledge Intelligence in Customer Service refers to the use of advanced technologies, data analysis, and insights to optimize the customer support process. It involves the strategic management and application of knowledge to improve customer interactions, increase efficiency, and enhance overall customer satisfaction.
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