Friday, October 12, 2018

The Digital Quality Readiness

Developing the business scope of best/next process to focus on improving quality attributes takes work and a level of credibility within the organization.

Quality has both tangible and intangible characteristics. Quality is defined by a number of factors, such as effectiveness, efficiency, flexibility, innovation, performance, manageability, operability, reusability, reliability, availability, or maturity. Digital quality readiness is about making an objective assessment of the quality related issues. Quality readiness is a key indicator of overall business differentiation and maturity. Digital quality is everyone’s business.

Where there are ineffectiveness and inefficiency in business management, there are quality gaps existing: High quality refers to simplicity, increase transparency of the business environment through eliminating something which is not used for improving business efficiency. From the fundamental operational management perspective, quality (Efficiency + Effectiveness = Q) is doing the right thing right, the first time, with no backlog and wastage and highest customer satisfaction rate. The business management quality check includes making an objective assessment of business effectiveness, efficiency, reliability, manageability, and flexibility, etc, to ensure its performance and maturity. But for reaching the high level of business maturity, quality management evolves design thinking and innovation as well. Generally, you have to have effectiveness first, and then make the effect more efficient. The successful integration and quality management will depend on the underlying business relationships between all of the crucial points and how they influence each other. Through quality integration, the enterprise is easily combined with assets for orchestrating high-performing businesses.

Nowadays quality and creativity are interconnected: Because quality without creativity is a commodity, and creativity without quality cannot create high-end commercial value. Creativity is an essential building block for running an innovative business. In fact, creativity is high-quality thinking to generate novel ideas and innovation is how to transform creative ideas to achieve their commercial value by providing quality products or services. If you consider being creative as a way of high-quality thinking, of perceiving things, of inventing, or of inspiring, etc, as a degree of quality is in everything people do and experience. It’s about putting profound knowledge, effective processes, and efficient tools actually used in actions and deliver innovative business solutions. Innovation is the high-quality activity and indispensable because through innovation management, the full cycle of idea generation, testing the hypothesis, failing, entreating, and improving, new knowledge is developed, and the fresh insight is captured for helping to understand the problem from the different angle, and further solve the old or emergent problems in the better way.

Quality Management is basically the fundamental purpose of serving the customer and meeting/exceeding their expectations: The rest of them are the tools, which can be used as the situation warrants. All the factors raised in the discussion are to address some of the aspects, which eventually influence the customer's satisfaction. Without human interactions, quality is not possible. How quality is defined and measured is crucial. It’s about putting profound knowledge, processes, and tools actually used in actions and delivered it. As a degree of quality is in everything people do and experience, quality management is to help them in doing what they are doing better, easier and so on. What is required is clarifying the purpose and engaging all the people involved in working together as a team to excel in the delivery of product/service/solutions to delight customers consistently.

From a talent management perspective, quality is the perfect mix of multiple characteristics: In reality, people are always the weakest link of organizations in either strategy management or change management. Quality employees are the ones who can work independently, have excellent problem-solving skills, well disciplined, have a "customer focus," and bring positivity and wisdom to the workplace. Quality leaders and employees demonstrate both intellectual understanding and emotional maturity; the good attitude and great aptitude. Quality leaders have the clear vision to lead forward, a unique set of capabilities to lead effectively and soft skills to communicate and motivate the team. Confidence and humility; character and charisma, creativity and discipline; toughness and gentleness; intelligence and childishness; uniqueness and fit-in, inquisitiveness and resourcefulness, the right dose of ego, and the good taste, etc, are all seemly paradoxical but important traits of people quality. High-quality leaders or employees have a winning mixture composed of character, creative intelligence, and competence in a humble frame of self-esteem which makes aware of his/her quality without needing to show them. Quality assessment is to evaluate both individual and team performance on how effectively they can improve the quality of products/service, their skill/capability/potential, as well as their learning agility to bring business to the next level of maturity. People quality often decides the quality of the other part of the business.

Quality management is not just the task of one specific department, it is the cross-disciplinary practices: Quality management is not the job of one department, but an overarching management approach to build a coherent, effective and holistic organization which needs to be well planned and thoughtfully renewal. "Quality management," like "change management," needs to be embedded into the corporate culture; it requires engaging all the people involved working together as a team to excel in quality products/services delivery. Quality management" is like "change management" in that both appear to be an oxymoron, in which quality and change = process-in motion and management = stabilization and control. Build up a positive emotional climate, foster positive relationships, communicate relentlessly. Quality management needs to be a cross-functional collaborative effort, not something one team does alone in a corner, in order to improve the entire digital business effectiveness and maturity.

Developing the business scope of best/next process to focus on improving quality attributes takes work and a level of credibility within the organization. The journey of digitalization often needs to work cross boxes instead within the box; go broader to embrace the digital ecosystem and dig deeper to fine-tune the underlying functions, empower people to evolve, innovate and accelerate. It’s critical to discover the strategic and predictive pathway to change, increase confidence, improve quality, and position a brand and leverage resources to make the digital paradigm shift effortlessly.


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