Build a good quality product and create sufficient documentation, but don't focus on making the document super flashy.
One of the important points in Agile Manifesto is "Working software over comprehensive documentation". So according to this, the product is given more priority than documentation, but do we still need documents? By stating explicitly that we value the working software rather than the documentation, we will now question whether the documentation is valuable.
Agile doesn't say “don't build documents.” It says priority is first a working software then you can document it. A flashy document doesn't replace a working software. Hence, most of the documentation that you traditionally created is "needed" because you discovered the information it contained a long time before you needed to use that information. If instead, you tailor the process so information is discovered or decided just in time for it to be used, then that information doesn't need to be written down except as the code or the tests for which you need to know those facts. Producing working software is a very preliminary requirement to a development team under any methodology: either Agile or waterfall and so on. There exist no methodology in favor of comprehensive documentation over working software. With respect to the question of documentation, the distinction is that when working very small fragments to completion, you can hold the information in the mind; it is created or discovered just in time, within minutes at most, to be used. It doesn't need to be recorded for use later. But there's a limit to how much you can hold in your mind current, before things start slipping out. If you try to work on larger chunks, you start to need to write things down.
Comprehensive documentation is needed, but you have to give priority to working software than documentation.The essence is that if you can create working software that the customer would value, do it. It's the best thing you can do. If you need documentation as part of what you do to create working software that the customer would value, then you would value that documentation. While Agile emphasizes on working codes and working software, and encourage small up front design, and design through evolution in iterations, It does not means rushing to coding with no design documentation. Comprehensive documentation means the documentation in Waterfall style. From a certain point of view, documentation in Agile should be more comprehensive, since the document is not so easily out of sync with the reality, as its waterfall counterpart did. For examples, user stories, issues, schema files, UML diagrams on paper or in modeling tool etc. are all documentation.

Build a good quality product and create sufficient documentation, but don't focus on making the document super flashy. Focus on making your software working well to satisfy customers. That's the essential of these Agile principles.
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