Dynamism consists in being able to break away from the static, being proactive.

Dynamism consists in being able to break away from the static, being proactive. Nature is dynamic, life is dynamic...then why do we, as a human entity, like to be static? Can we remain static? By static what is the meaning.? Does it mean lack of enthusiasm? Life is not easy, there is indeed a lot of struggle, at every step. Yet, the struggle is what keeps us going. We should have faith in ourselves and great people who support us. That makes a lot of things possible. This requires us to come out of our comfort zone, but it helps enormously. When someone is really charged, they are referred to as a dynamo!!If nature is dynamic, we are also dynamic since we are part and parcel of nature. How can a part be static while the whole is dynamic?
Dynamism and enthusiasm are highly infective: Always have a passion for discovering new things, for probing in depth every subject we are interested in. We will come across new things. All get impregnated with enthusiasm. If you stick and restrict, you cannot be dynamic. You have to be open to change. People do not want to come out of our comfort zone because it requires additional efforts, and they are not very sure about its positive effects. More often, the logical mind makes a judgment, interprets, and analyzes, on what is wrong or right. This is the reason why we are far from our own self to listen to our own inner voice. What holds people back from being great is a constraint, fear of uncertainty or otherwise. Yet, if each one of us decides to make a difference, a lot can be achieved.
Dynamism has a nature balance: The universe is characterized by duality. One need to only think for a few moments and all around us, the examples of duality are apparent: good – bad, darkness – light, anode – cathode etc. There’s always an invisible third force which holds them in balance. The past and future, for example, are held in balance by “now.” Thus, rather than a two-dimensional continuum from positive – negative, existence depends upon relationships which are three-dimensional (triangular). The importance of this third force is to strike the right balance in the nature dynamism. It shall also guide our thinking, our action, and our collective perspectives.
Nature is dynamic, life is dynamic, we are part of nature, we should be able to realize this connection. Thus, it is the power of a dynamic leader to ride above the change wave at the era of digital dynamism. Let all of us be the light, the change agent, the transformative force to make things move forward, not backward, and to build a dynamic, but progressive human society.
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