Decision Maker with emotional excellence has the ability to dispassionately" examine alternatives via fact finding, analysis, structured planning, objective evaluations & comparison.
Decision-Making is one of the most important activities for business leaders and professionals. And decision-making in the digital world with VUCA” characteristics is often not the simple task, there are many variables you have to leverage, and there are quite a few tradeoffs perhaps you should make. And it takes both hard science and soft discipline to improve decision-making maturity. From a psychological perspective, how can you make sound decisions with emotional excellence?

The leaders and professionals having the balanced mind with high EQ can take tough decisions keeping their sensitivity intact: Emotional Intelligence is the ability to identify your own emotions or even others’ emotions. It is the ability to harness constructive or positive emotions and apply them to tasks like thinking, decision-making, and problems-solving. It is also the ability to overcome emotional barriers, such as historical emotional burden or the current irrational exuberance in order to achieve emotional excellence. As we know the cool-headed decision-makers have better emotional management skills for taking logic, not necessarily always about conventional wisdom, to make more effective decisions than the people with low EQ. It doesn’t mean the high EQ people do not have feelings, but implies such mindsets are more objective, accountable, empathetic, intellectual and progressive, and therefore, they can think in longer term frame, or they are able to strike the right balance of sense and sensitivity, information and intuition in making highly effective decisions.
High EQ decision makers can leverage multifaceted thought processes in making sound judgment and improving decision-making maturity: High EQ and high IQ is indeed interconnected. Emotions are driven by thoughts, and thoughts piled by thoughts build your thinking capability and cultivate your thinking habit, which directly impacts the intellectual sophistication of decision-making scenario. Ineffective decision-making is often caused by poor judgment, and it further roots in the lack of real critical thinking (your thoughts should be reasoned and well thought out/judged), independent thinking (not depending on the authority of others for forming an opinion), systems thinking (understanding the connectivity between the parts and the whole), or holistic thinking (leveraging both analysis and synthesis, nonlinear or integral thinking for harness understanding), etc. To avoid the trap of emotional turbulence or individual perception, you have to think critically and profoundly and you have to really dig beneath the superficial layer, see around the corner and transcend the interdisciplinary knowledge, in order to make sound judgments and effective decisions.
High EQ decision-makers have the emotional maturity to weigh in the multiple decision factors via communications, inquiries, and evaluations: Emotional maturity is the ability to wait, think, and respond to a situation without responding with a knee-jerk reaction. Maturity can be seen from people responding to every situation according to its severity level. Maturity is the clarity of thoughts along with self-control which helps in choosing the most appropriate reaction to circumstances, or inaction -deciding not to react to any given situation. From a decision-making perspective, it is the ability to weigh in the impact of how you make decisions or what you are planning to do and who will be impacted because of the decision outcome or the intended action. It is also the ability to dispassionately" examine alternatives, it’s about fact finding, analysis, structured planning, objective evaluations and comparisons, and the progressive pursuit of better solutions.
Digital leaders and professionals with high-level emotional excellence can make more effective decisions and take wise actions, also because they have the good attitude to listen and question, high aptitude to think and understand deeply. It’s the soft science of communication embedded with hard science of decision-making scenario and problem-solving capability.
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