Wednesday, December 7, 2016

How to Flex your Creativity Muscle via Daily Practices?

Set your own principles and practice, practice, and practice more to ignite the abundance of creativity.

Creativity is an innate ability to generate novel ideas. If you consider being creative as a way of thinking, of imagining, of expression, of perceiving things, of inventing, of inspiring, etc, then it happens every day, multiple times a day. Creativity is innate, it could become a healthy habit or even a positive addiction. Creativity is the #1 professional skill needed in the 21st century, how to flex your creativity muscle via daily practices?

What fuels creativity? There are many unique ingredients to make “creativity formula.” There is a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic elements to ignite creativity. Creative people use specific systems to be creative, the emergent, the divergent, the convergent thought processes and so on. On one hand, you need to have the level of curiosity, desire to learn, observe, with the natural ability to maintain an open and inquisitive mind; and on the other hand, it is important to have a motivational environment to encourage creativity, with less restricted rules, innovative leadership, and learning culture to empower innovators, bridge cognitive gaps, fertilize growth mindset and let creative minds to soar.

Cultivate a thinking habit because, creativity is a high level of thinking, either consciously or subconsciously: Creativity is a flow, an abstract and an imagination. Creativity comes into play when we call upon our conscious mind with the intention to bring forth solutions from our unconscious. You can put creativity in a box and say it's "all just creativity," or you can pull it out of the box and look at it through different lenses. It’s your perception. Set your own principles and practice, practice, and practice more to spur the abundance of creativity. Our minds have access to both conscious thoughts and at times unconscious thought. It is a conscious mind we call with some unconscious activities of allowing creativity flow. As many creatives or inventors may tell you, ideas tend to come when you stop thinking about the problem. Hence, some seemly "mindless" activities such as walking, stretching, meditation, or even sleeping can ignite your creativity and reach the precious "AHA" moments.

Creativity needs a problem, creative people are both problem finders and problem solvers: Creatives always challenge conventional wisdom by asking questions which often lead to discovering situations others do not see at first. The essential to questioning stimulates the creative sides of our brains in order to find answers. The good question is usually open and thought-provoking brings multifaceted perspective. Like a piece of art, the great question is beautiful and insightful, to connect the dots and ignite creativity. And creatives would also say that it involves allowing to be part of a process of trial and error. Creativity demands the possibility of the wrong in order to be exploring in a free and playful way.  

Creativity is the serendipity which can be unpuzzled. It comprises a combination of “flavored ingredients” that work together, flow, fluctuate, in harmony, in order to weave such creativity. You can pull it out of the box and look at it through different lenses. It’s your perception. Set your own principles and practice, practice, and practice more to ignite the abundance of creativity.


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