Thursday, November 8, 2018

Does Passion Fuel Creativity?

Passion could fade away, don’t just follow passion blindly, but always connect passion with the vision.
Passion is an emotion, which is something that comes from within, the bottom of your heart, with the strong sense of connection with "self," not only the reasoning of your mind. What fuels passion? It is a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. It comes both from heart and mind. Does passion stimulate creativity? How to discover your creative passion?

Passion enables determination, creativity, and talent: Passion does play a critical role in creative pursuits. If we do not have the passion for what you do, creativity and talent become hard work which in turn disables determination etc. On one hand, we have the level of curiosity, desire to learn and natural ability to maintain an open and inquisitive mind; on the other hand, we have conditions of the environment in which we operate, with all the restrictions, the needs, the gaps and pressures that might push our creative minds to soar. It takes passion to fuel energy and overcome obstacles in reaching the new height of creative abundance. Ideas are like water, keep flowing, build an idea reservoir to keep them up and manage them effectively to unleash their potential.

Passion does fuel imagination and creativity: Passion can kindle your energy to break through the conditions and kindle imagination. Imagination flows freely when supported by the fluidity of thought and feeling. Imagination is the seed to grow innovation. Imagination leads to discovery. Discovery is both an event and a process. At the highest level of imagination engagement, we become driven to leverage our imagination into creative or innovative results. Thus, passion with a good positive chain of creative thoughts followed by positive actions often brings good results and leapfrogs innovation.

Be passionate about learning and growing: A learning mind is always in the search for new things and a new way to learn! While imagination helps us expand our idea, knowledge helps us refine our idea to what is economically feasible. It takes passion to learn, grow, fail forward or start over. Imagine what can be accomplished by increasing knowledge and applying it to what one has imagined. More specifically, it's not the knowledge, it's what you do with that knowledge that can be creative, like using your knowledge of something, but in a new context. 

Passion could fade away, don’t just follow passion blindly, but always connect passion with the vision. Let passion flow with positive thoughts, to fuel creativity. Though passion should never take precedence over making the sound judgment. Following the passion also requires a good sense of judgment that you are on the right path to the vision you set, stimulate creativity and keep learning and achieving.


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