Tuesday, February 22, 2022


To debunk the myth of complexity, we need to be looking for patterns rather than isolating causes; clarify cause-effect, rather than pinpoint symptoms.

Businesses today are over-complex and interdependent, multi-dimension and complexity are two key factors in the intrigues of large problems. There are no unsolvable problems, but there are complex problems that are those you cannot solve with given resources, knowledge and capabilities. And there is frustration if there is a lack of a solution that helps to enforce logic and validate methodology to smooth problem-solving. What’s the in-depth understanding of such complexity?

Complex systems require systemic and holistic analysis techniques based on synthesis: Change is overwhelming, complexity is inevitable, but they are both facts that are happening all the time and at a faster pace than never before. The people with what being referred to as highly intelligent have a strong aptitude to understand the "complexity" of the given problem. As it takes systemic analysis or nonlinear logic to dig into complex issues and interdisciplinary knowledge to understand interdependence between related issues. Only by exploring complexity across different vantage points, can we truly understand both the problem and the landscape within which it sits. It's like a rating scale of complexity. Some people get the whole picture as opposed to others that can't seem to get a grasp on the problem.

Complexity management is about simplifying, modernizing, integrating, optimizing, etc: Over-complexity in a business may be hiding simple ways to achieve things because the people involved just don't get the time to step back from the complexity and hence, they continue to follow the old routine to do the things. Companies that are skilled at managing complexity can gain advantages by pushing the boundaries of a more sophisticated business mix and providing opportunities to create inter-business value and differentiated business competency. Complexity management is about simplifying, modernizing, integrating, optimizing, usually involving early in the life-cycle and careful examination of numbers and types of stakeholders across the organization, to deal with common concerns and improve problem-solving effectiveness.

Managing a variety of complexity is both art and science: Simplicity and complexity are dual forces of running a high-performance digital business. It’s important for digital leaders and managers today to learn to think about systemic wholeness, leverage the hybrid digital management disciplines to balance centralized and distributed business management practices for renewing knowledge and rejuvenating something new into the classic business management. The essence of digital management discipline is to eliminate complications or unnecessary complexity which is hindering innovation, but enforce greater desired complexity such as highly-productive complexity, design complexity, or value/cost/risk ratio complexity that competitors cannot imitate easily.

To debunk the myth of complexity, we need to be looking for patterns rather than isolating causes; clarify cause-effect, rather than pinpoint symptoms. Strategically, look at complexity from a business impact perspective as well as from a solution perspective. A healthy complexity management cycle is to simplify unnecessary complexity, look for what is common for maximum reuse, analyze what the impact of complexity is and manage it structurally and effectively.


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