Monday, February 7, 2022


There is known known, known unknown, and unknown unknown.

The world is a mix of simple -known known, complicated - known unknown, complex -unknown unknowns, or chaotic -unknowable. As the saying goes: No knowledge is truly known, no learning is truly finished. 

The border of knowledge domains has a blurred scope and knowledge is expanded in the continual base for generating values. Knowledge Management has to break down silos, facilitate the holistic management system that enables knowledge flow, align and realign knowledge to solve right problems, ensure transparency and visibility, enabling trust and reliability.

If there is no way you can control unknown unknown, do your best to control known unknown:
Running business today is a dynamic change continuum; to run a business vehicle smoothly, the management needs to dig through: Is “unknown” factor not identified with the scope of the business planning; or is it caused by “unknowable”? Envisioning and forecasting are critical to gain the known unknown, navigating the organization into the uncharted water or blurred digital territories. It takes vision, strategy, and courage for making a smooth change and the large scale business transformation. Without a clear vision, change either turns to chaos or for its own sake.

Now more often the business is inextricably connected with the business ecosystem and the functional barriers are starting to weaken. Perhaps there is no way you can control unknown unknown, today’s digital professionals are innovative workers, hard workers, knowledge workers, and intelligent workers, who are exploring, innovating, and evolving to deal with unprecedented uncertainty, keep learning and practicing their expert power, clarify known from unknown, develop dynamic planning, set the stretching goals, get beyond the tipping points, turn a downward spiral into upward spiral.

Present a humble attitude, interdisciplinary knowledge and ambidexterity to deal with complex-unknown unknowns: There is no surprise, once a while, the digital seems to be going wild, and chaos swallows the order in a moment. "Unknown unknown" is inherent in today’s business dynamic and it is often caused by the nature of randomness or chaos. It’s unpredictable and lacks a stable pattern or order. Most of the time, the company executives’ nervousness or procrastination stems from the fear of failure and to some extent loss of control. Although there is no easier way to quantify the degree of unknown, you shouldn’t feel completely pessimistic - helpless or aimless. Humble attitude, interdisciplinary knowledge or ambidexterity, etc, are all important factors to deal with business dynamics.

Though business leaders today can’t predict every turn or curve on the digital journey, quality information and business insight allow them to envision emerging opportunities and predict risks timely. Unknowns are also reduced by an engaged team in planning to spike to turn the unknown unknown into a set of known unknowns, which you can then handle adequately. A successful and durable knowledge management solution in today’s environments is an integrated solution with more seamlessly effective digital powered tools to improve business agility. Organizations just have to experiment, learn, practice, practice and practice, make a dynamic planning to evolve the emergent properties and leverage the nonlinear logic for managing the digital continuum.

Continually develop new knowledge, capture insight into the emergent and inherent properties, explore unknowns optimistically cautiously
: Each degree of freedom is an unknown; interdisciplinary lenses expand thinking boxes, provide a new angle to see the familiar landscape in different ways. Discovery is a process of revealing unknown facts; particularly due to unforeseen consequences of the combination of parts and the interaction within the business and between the business and its environment. Although each one of us has limitations, collective insight by a competitive leadership team with cognitive differences and a variety of expertise helps to deal with the inevitable unknown, and overcome insurmountable toughness facing humanity.

To survive and thrive in such complexities in which there are unknown interactions and very high inner dynamics, finding a good way to identify uncertainty and quantify it to the team is more of a challenge. In fact, solving complex problems today requires not one type of thinking, but varying thought processes for breaking through. Business leaders and professionals need to visualize and identify uncertainty, convert uncertainty to risk through the application of quantification methods and move up management maturity from risk mitigation to risk intelligence.

There is known known, known unknown, and unknown unknown, the rate of change has accelerated, be paranoid to think ahead, but don't panic, have humble attitude to learn from the unexpected things that did arise; strike a balance between managing complex issues today and predicting the uncertain issues of tomorrow, experimenting unexplored, for taking transformative changes and creating a new paradigm.


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