Leadership is not just soft skills, but HARD capabilities.
At the silo industrial era, leadership effectiveness is perhaps dependent on the hierarchical level of authority and brute force style of command and control. However, now we live in a hyper-connected and over-complex digital ecosystem, digital flow changes the landscape of communication, collaboration, and connection, command and control leadership style is no longer effective enough to make a profound influence and lead change and digital transformation smoothly. Because amplifying digital leadership is not about how loud you can speak, but how profound you could think. Digital leadership must go deeper, to touch the heart and mind, to practice the power of pull, to lead via wisdom, and to harmonize via positive thinking. In this chapter, we describe 13+ different leadership strengths to deepen leadership influence and enforce leadership effectiveness.

Self-leadership: To know oneself is necessary to understand the filters and the bias. Self-reflection makes you more emphatic as a leader: Which quality makes you a strong leader? The advanced mindset or the exemplary behavior? The in-depth knowledge or profound wisdom? A leader’s individual journey is over the long haul and the goal should be to continually improve. From a strategic perspective, it’s also about planning, leadership at present is the missing link in business planning. Leadership is about future, change, growth, self-leadership is the result and the ability to challenge oneself beyond the constraints of tradition. Self-leadership based on self-reflection and self-evaluation empowers us to be the change we want to see and lead change more effectively.
Gap-minding leadership: Leadership is about bridging today and future. Many leaders and managers have intentions to lead but lack cognitive understanding, intellectual sophistication, and differential strength to lead effectively. Leadership is not just soft skills, but hard capabilities. There are all sorts of gaps need to be closed: (1) Cognitive gaps: In order to build a high-effective leadership team, the foresightful organizations should always look for complementary mindsets, capabilities, and skills that they don’t have so that they can build a winning team and complement each other. (2)Generation Gaps: There is a surging need which is related to the realization that the gap is widening between the previously generation and the next generation, etc. The key to organizational success is to integrate next generation of leaders, tap into their way of looking at the world, solving problems with very collaborative working styles, also mind talent gap seamlessly. Organizations not only need good managers to take care of today’s business but also have to grow the future leaders to leapfrog their companies for long-term prosperity.

Leadership is the ability to influence with or without authority. While there are many components of leadership, one of the most important ones is the ability to adapt, model and influence changes. Leadership becomes more open and omnipresent in the digital era because the hierarchy of an organization is flatter due to the latest digital disruption, the world has become more connected and transparent, effective leadership is based on its authenticity, profundity, consistency, creativity and the context of influence.
"Digital Master" Book Series Slideshare Introduction"
Leadership Master" Introduction Slideshare Presentation
"Leadership Master" Introduction Blog
"Leadership Master" Chapter I Introduction
"Leadership Master" Chapter II Introduction
"Leadership Master" Chapter III Introduction
"Leadership Master" Chapter IV Introduction"
Leadership Master" Chapter V Introduction
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