Being digitally ready goes beyond just applying the latest technologies, it starts with n agile digital mentality.
Modern CIOs have many personas and face great challenges. It is not sufficient to only keep the light on. Regardless of which industry or the nature of organization you are in, being a digital leader will need to master the art of creating unique, differentiated values from piles of commoditized technologies. Digital transformation starts with a mind shift, business value has to be driven, indicated and understood at all levels of the organization. This is accomplished by establishing strong interdependent relationships, the shared vision, and wisdom. But more specifically, what are the digital-savvy CIOs doing in running a digital-ready IT organization?
How to run a Digital-Ready IT June 2016
- Closing Three Gaps to Run an Innovative IT Digital CIOs have many personas indicated in the “I” of the CIO title, “Chief Innovation Officer” is one of the most pertinent roles they need to fulfill, Because more often than not, technology is the disruptive force of innovation, and information is the very clue to developing the next and best products or service, as well as delighting customers. A great CIO with their finger on the pulse of technological advancement or information insight can provide many ideas on how new technology and abundance of information can create fresh new opportunities. The point is: What are innovation gaps organizations need to bridge, how can a CIO build a solid innovation agenda, and play such a digital role more effectively?
- Three Aspects in Running a Digital-Ready IT Either running IT or managing the organization as a whole, being digitally ready goes beyond just applying the latest technologies or playing the trendy gadgets. It starts with an agile digital mentality. The management has to follow digital principles and take a structured approach to shifting from inside-out operation focus to outside-in customer-centric. Digital transformation starts with a mind shift, business value has to be driven, indicated and understood at all levels of the organization. This is accomplished by establishing strong interdependent relationships, the shared vision, and wisdom.
- The Interdisciplinary Practice to Manage IT and Business: Businesses today are shifting from an industrial silo fashion to the hyper-connected digital trend. The business management technique also shifts from hierarchical command and control style to holistic management practices. The Interdisciplinary science can be applied to digital management with integrating multi-disciplinary methodology, it enables leaders to frame a bigger thinking box, and approach problems via multi-faceted way, technically, scientifically and culturally.
- Running IT from “Busyness” to Betterment: The majority of IT organizations still get stuck at the lower level of maturity, overloading, understaffed and struggle to deliver business value with the right speed. On the other side, businesses today rely more and more on information and technology; people tend to have a high expectation of digital flow, the IT department has more and more challenges to overcome for running at a digital speed. Which approach shall you take to run IT from “busyness” to betterment?
Three Traits in IT High-Professionalism: Due to the fast pace of technology update and information flow, IT skills gap is the reality, not fiction; due to the complex nature of technology, and intense workload of IT, IT leaders and professionals have to continue updating knowledge, staying focused on solving complex problems, and always challenge the new way to do things. Compared to many other professionals, the high-quality IT professionals have to learn more intensively, do things more creatively, think and make decisions more intellectually. What are important traits in IT high-professionalism?
The “Future of CIO” Blog has reached 1.3 million page views with more than 2900 blog posting in 59+ different categories of leadership, management, strategy, digitalization, change/talent, etc. The content richness is not for its own sake, but to convey the vision and share the wisdom. Blogging is not about writing, but about thinking and innovating the new ideas; it’s not just about WHAT to say, but about WHY to say, and HOW to say it. It reflects the color and shade of your thought patterns, and it indicates the peaks and curves of your thinking waves. Unlike pure entertainment, quality and professional content takes time for digesting, contemplation and engaging, and therefore, it takes the time to attract the "hungry minds" and the "deep souls." It’s the journey to amplify diverse voices and deepen digital footprints, and it's the way to harness your innovative spirit.
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