Change is not a problem, the primary reason for change failure is resistance to change.
Change is inevitable, and organizational change becomes a common practice within an organization, but more than two-thirds of change effort fail to achieve the expected results. What’re the barriers to cause change failures, how to overcome change inertia, how to make Change Management tangible rather than fluffy, and manage change lifecycle effectively?
How to Overcome Change Inertia II
- How to Push the “Internal Hot Button” to Lead the Digital Transformation Many forward-thinking organizations are on the journey for digital transformation, some key questions to consider when it comes to the needs of organizations to build tomorrow's digital leaders could be: Who is your prime source of inspiration? Where do you go to collect your thoughts? Who can you trust with the private information? Who will you spend time with to enable a collective of feedback, to seek a fresh perspective? How to shift your mind from knowledge to wisdom - to enable leading toward the right direction? And how to push the “internal hot button,” to lead the digital transformation effectively?
- Change, or Resistance to Change, What’s the Problem? Change is only constant, but most of the change management effort fail. Indeed, change is difficult, some say, change is not a problem, the primary reason for change failure is resistance to change while the secondary reason is the inability of leaders to deal with resistance. What are the true problems of the change, or what’re the real roadblocks to step into changes?
- A Resistance Mind: How to Crack it and Manage Change Successfully: Change is the only constant, even change itself has been accelerated. However, more than 70% of corporate change management effort fails to achieve the expected result. Digital means flow, perhaps the root cause of change failure is due to such a static mindset, resistant to change, but what is the cause of such a resistance mind and how to crack it and manage change successfully?
- What Factors keep Business from Championing transformational change? Organizations large or small are faced with more radical digital or management transformation now, however, change management (the overarching term includes both transformation and change) has very high failure rate overall, what factors keep business from championing transformational changes, or what are key success factors in driving transformation?
- How to Get Ahead of the Change Curve: The change curve is a model of the states that people who are to change will go through because going through the downs of the change curve has a negative impact on productivity, leadership is required to guide people through the different phases in order to flatten the curve and to minimize the impact on productivity.
How can Talent Management Call for a Radical Change in an Emerging Digital Ecosystem? Digital business ecosystem is still evolving. The digital dynamic continues to evolve with increasing speed of change and rapid integration of business across the globe.Technology is the catalyzer of digital transformation, but people are at the center of change. Which role should talent management play in such emerging digital business ecosystem, how to shift from “Human Resource Management” to “Human Capital Investment,” and what kind of challenges it needs to overcome in order to lead change more proactively?
- Have You Focused on Fixing the Wrong Cause of a Problem? As human species, we are still facing many problems and challenges. Either for individuals, organizations, or society as a whole, the problem-solving capability is crucial to surviving and thriving. However, many decision-makers fail to fully grasp and accurately perceive what leads to problems and difficulties. Often, events and patterns are observed on the surface, and then the action is taken, but that is too early. After observing events and patterns, there are the underlying structures, the mechanisms, that cause the problem. And people lack critical thinking are usually never question because "it's the way things should be." Problem-solving in the majority of organizations today is woefully inadequate, so what happens when you focus on fixing the wrong cause of problems?
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