Blogging is like a dynamic book which creates the new knowledge from the old, to keep the mind fresh.
The “Future of CIO” Blog has reached 1.3 million page views with 2900+ blog posting in 59+ different categories of leadership, management, strategy, digitalization, change/talent, etc. The content richness is not for its own sake, but to convey the vision and share the wisdom. Here is the weekly insight about digital leadership, IT Management, and Talent Management.

The Weekly Insight of the “Future of CIO” 6/23/2016
- To Celebrate 2900 Blog Posting in “Future of CIO”: Blogging is not about writing, but about thinking and innovating the new ideas; it’s not just about WHAT to say, but about WHY to say, and HOW to say it. It reflects the color and shade of your thought patterns, and it indicates the peaks and curves of your thinking waves.
- “Digital Master” Book Series Introduction The Digital transformation, like the computer technology revolution itself, is a long journey. “Digital Master” is the series of guide books (5+ Books) to perceive the multi-faceted impact digital is making to the business and workforce and help forward-looking businesses to navigate through the journey in a holistic way.
- “Digital Agility” Book Introduction Chapter 5: Agile Dot Connections: Agile is not only the ability to create changes, but also the capability to adapt to changes, and create a working environment to inspire creativity. If creativity is all about connecting the dots, and agility is about shaping a customer-centric organization with a culture of innovation. And then, how can we connect the dots between agile and other desired goals of the digital organization, such as strategy, quality, flexibility, innovation, etc. Because Agile is certainly not just a “development thing,” the goals of agile transformation lie with the organizations to overall improve organizational maturity.
- The Monthly CIO Debates Collection Running IT with Digital Speed June 2016 Due to the changing nature of technology, IT leadership role also continues to involve & shift the focus, to move up the maturity level. More and more CIOs are requested to take more responsibility and many CIOs present the breadth of leadership competency. The proactive IT debates help IT leaders to brainstorm innovative and better ways to do things, and improve management capabilities. Here are the monthly CIO debates collections.
“Digital Agility” Book Introduction Chapter 7 Agile Maturity: Many organizations are transforming from doing Agile to being agile, apply agile philosophy, methodology, and practices to scaling up and building a truly agile organization is an important aspect of digital transformation. But what characteristics determine whether organizations are truly agile or just calling themselves agile? How do you define Agile maturity? And how to build a high-mature Agile organization?
Blogging is not about writing, but about thinking and innovating the new ideas; it’s not just about WHAT to say, but about WHY to say, and HOW to say it. It reflects the color and shade of your thought patterns, and it indicates the peaks and curves of your thinking waves. Unlike pure entertainment, quality and professional content takes time for digesting, contemplation and engaging, and therefore, it takes the time to attract the "hungry minds" and the "deep souls." It’s the journey to amplify diverse voices and deepen digital footprints, and it's the way to harness your innovative spirit.
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