Understand the Creative Side of IT
Five Critical Components in IT Innovation Management Playbook Technology is pervasive and the information is abundant, business initiatives and digital transformation today nearly always involve some form of technology implementation or information processing. IT plays a significant role in managing information-knowledge-insight cycle and fostering innovation by leveraging disruptive technologies and enriched information flow. One of the most appropriate tiles for CIOs is “Chief Innovation Officer,” who play a critical role in orchestrating innovation symphony. Here are five critical components in IT innovation management playbook. ?
Three Aspects to Understand the Creative Side of IT IT is well known as an engineering discipline and an isolated back-office function with a set of mysterious hardware boxes to keep the business wheel spinning. With emergent lightweight digital technologies and overwhelming growth of information, IT management shouldn't just practices some transactional activities, it has to discover both the art and science of digital management discipline. Because technology is often the disruptive force of digital transformation, and information could be one of the most time intensive pieces to innovation puzzles.
CIOs as “Chief Innovation Officer”: How to Spur IT Innovation to Get Digital Ready? Innovation is about moving forward. In any business, if you are not moving forward, you are moving backward. There is no standing still. This is particularly true for IT due to the fast growth of information and disruptive nature of technologies. Thus, Chief Innovation Officer is one of the most appropriate titles for modern CIOs. The art of innovation is that it involves new ways of bringing together ideas and resources to create something novel. The science of innovation is to take a structural approach to innovation management. IT organization can become an innovation hub to bridge the art and science of innovation and get digital ready.
Three Aspects IT Can Build Business Competitive Advantage : IT organization is at the crossroad, either take a proactive approach to become a strategic business partner or just react to the business request as a commodity service provider and gradually become irrelevant. History reveals that IT needs to be understood and harnessed by all stakeholders to fulfill its potential and gain the strategic importance as a differentiator of companies. Thus, IT leaders should continue to ask themselves: Does IT have the vision necessary for the business to succeed and continuously grow? Is IT system just a commodity with a standardized usage of technologies, or is IT system the core and key differentiator of your business? Here are three aspects IT can help to build a business competitive advantage.
Three “DO NOT” in IT Innovation?: In the rapidly evolving digital businesses and economic systems, the creation of new innovations is very complex but critical for firms' survival and thriving. Information is the lifeblood of the modern business and technology is the disruptive force behind the digital transformation. Contemporary IT organization should be run as the innovation engine of the company, it is the thorny journey because there are many roadblocks and hidden pitfalls on the way. Here are three “DO NOT” in IT innovation.
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