Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Insightful Intelligence

Intelligence is not for its own sake, but to optimize, innovate, or influence for achieving high value-added performance or unleashing collective human potential.

Intelligence is defined as the capacity for understanding, reasoning, and various forms of mental activities in grasping truths, relationships, facts, meanings, etc. There is human intelligence and machine intelligence. There are many different ways to characterize intelligence, and there are always different complexities at a different time or dimensions so you need to leverage intelligence to overcome the challenges. 

Today’s digital business environment is dynamic, complex, and uncertain, intelligence is an effective tool to lead change and improve business-value creation. Here are three insights into intelligence.

Intelligence questions the answers: Intelligence is not the same as information, it’s the processed information and refined knowledge to predict future events, capture business insight, or learn lessons via hindsight. Information answers questions but intelligence questions the answers. That said, critical reasoning is an important aspect of being intelligent, especially in today’s digital dynamic. Either individually or collectively, cognitive intelligence requires your ability to grasp or comprehend information; willingness to acquire additional information begins with an acceptance you do not know enough to make conclusions, you recognize a gap in the knowledge you have and intend to mind it for closing the gap to make sound judgments.

More often than not, linear logic or binary thinking is not effective in understanding highly complex or nonlinear scenarios. Being intelligent is not just about "being knowledgeable," but being able to expand the boundaries of knowledge or challenge conventional thinking, seeking out new knowledge, and addressing ignorance and the assumptions you make to minimize it. You have the intrinsic ability to embrace the unknown -think outside the box. Also, you need to challenge the known - probe the paradoxes, seek out new knowledge, and address ignorance and the assumptions you make to minimize it. So to explore the breadth and depth of intelligence, have the right dose of “doubt,” really dig beneath the superficial layer, see around the corner, and transcend the interdisciplinary knowledge, to get to the heart of the matter and challenge the conventional thoughts and answers.

Intelligence implies the ability to make inferences or predictions: Intelligence is actionable information. It’s about what we do with what we know. From the management perspective, the power of information is to empower the business with real-time insight across the organization in ways never possible before because uncertainty, velocity, complexity, and doubts are major hindrances to decision-making nowadays. Inference logic or multidimensional intelligence are complementary, equally, and inextricably linked to the process of understanding the problems, seeing the trees and forests, and solving problems by taking step-wise actions.

A healthy Information Management cycle makes information available, qualified, and useful, exerts lots of intelligence, captures insights, and predicts the future but makes validation and predictability if necessary. Like our brain, the information management system does not require the random spreading of signals ubiquitously but the highly constrained and precise selection, condensation, summation, emphasis, and direction of data to specific channels, for achieving its goals - making effective decisions or instructing actions.

Intelligence provides the very clue to unpuzzle innovation: Information is one of the most time-sensitive pieces to the digital innovation puzzle, Business intelligence provides information on a user-digestible and understandable level to generate fresh ideas. The abundant information can be refined into creative intelligence that provides the very clue to connect wider dots to stimulate great ideas and build the updated competency model to generate unusual combinations of ideas or insight, which are all interlinked attributes in varying degrees depending on our mental models, perspectives, or distinctions, etc.

Organizations must manage information effectively, and bring to the table innovative solutions that meet customers’ needs while reducing the cost to market. The information system helps to optimize the usage of information, enable users to visualize data, create novel ideas, and implement the best ones. With intelligence, organizations can improve innovation success rate by improving the speed of decision-making, managing risks, allocating resources scientifically, and improving processes efficiently. Practically speaking, it is the aggregation and the assessment of information that creates the intelligence required to develop creativity or define the rules that drive innovative problem-solving and build innovation competency.

Intelligence is not for its own sake, but to optimize, innovate, or influence for achieving high value-added performance or unleashing collective human potential. To build a high-intelligent business, develop a sensing system that is ambiently and constantly attempting to augment their understanding of what they see and hear, moving from standardization to more culture-based designs that satisfy the customized needs of more distributed economies, and build business advantage solidly.


Very interesting information. I am now looking for a lot of information about business development and security. I think it will be useful for everyone to know it.> A lot of people are faced with fraudsters. To avoid it, you need to take measures and know a lot.

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