Saturday, December 19, 2020

Unusual Unification

We are stronger through diversity and become ultra-modern through inclusiveness. It allows us to perceive things via unusual angles, connect unusual dots, and explore many “unusual options.

As the digital world becomes hyperconnected, interdependent, and dynamic, today's digital professionals need to work both smart and hard at the same time, not just keep their hands full, but keep their mind open. Digital mentalities are informative, inclusive, and able to embrace “unusual things” to stimulate creativity. In a collective setting, it’s critical to encourage free thinking and experimenting, have the right dose of creative tension and “unusual capabilities” to discover more hotspots of innovation, unify the best of the best, and build the culture of creativity.

Unusual dots-connecting: We live in the world with a variety of cultures and dynamic changes, creativity is a flow, an abstract, an imagination, and an association, or simply the connection of the unusual dots to come up with novel ideas or alternative solutions. It’s important to craft mindsets with thinking processes that hold onto its natural connectivity while being prepared to connect the dots even in the opposite direction should make sense. Connective minds are in demand because of its unusual capability and capacity to see how things can be both connected or disconnected to create completely new forms, systems, and ideas for solving either existing problems or emerging problems and overcoming common challenges.

Creative cognition is a divergent thought process which would promote connectivity through the development of new synapses for sparking fresh ideas. It could also involve the convergent processes to make unusual combinations of ideas or insight to scale up innovation and solve bigger problems. When being actively engaged in sparking creativity, your mind has free will to be in logic and even beyond logic, identify interconnectivity, understand the flow, discover patterns and embrace uncertainty. Collaboratively, reconcile all the different factors toward a unifying and driving motivation, and unify the world of diversification to spark collective creativity by assembling previously disparate or unconnected ideas into a new whole and solve problems creatively.

Unusual angles to perceive things: In the traditional world with a silo mentality and conventional wisdom, it takes risks to be perceived as unusual, strange, or misfit. But creative people find more viewing spots than the rest and they can perceive things via unusual angles and always see the possibility in the world when most people only see the way that they have been told with ignorance of invisible or intangible things. Innovation comes with the foresight to envision a need that others overlook or ignore and a willingness to forge ahead to satisfy visions, in spite of a risk of failure. When an unusual thing strikes, almost all join together to deal with it as the purpose is clearly understood and accepted to solve problems smoothly.

In reality, people all have biases and blind spots. Individually, self evaluate by asking: Do you find yourself getting inspired, challenged or intimidated by people of a different background from you? Can you always discover new perspectives and really valid learning points in work or any social community? With multiple perspectives, you can always gain insight and empathy to see things from the other angle and make better decisions. Collectively, it is critical to walk in others’ shoes and see the problem or situation from the others’ point of view and gain multiple perspectives to close blind spots, unify into a common understanding by bridging cognitive differences, focused on the future and what’s going on in the world; what’re the rise trends, what'll it impact the next generation, etc. So creative problem solving is about trying something “unusual”- the thing that has never been done before. Connections can be spelled out. Analogies can be noted. Chains of thought that can lead to those inspirations can be told as stories.

Unusual options: The digital era upon us is the era of options, sharing, empathy, penetration and personalization, or fundamentally people-centricity. It forces business leaders to become “Choice Generator,” - providing choices for talented employees on how they would like to get the work done; provide choices for users and customers on how to solve their issues from their lens; and options are built through creativity. The point is: How to provide those “unusual options” and how to help people make better choices? So the abundance of information and emerging technologies provide the opportunity to re-imagine the new possibilities, think of a new way to do things, and it gets really creative on how they orchestrate and implement transformative changes.

The beauty of pursuing “unusual options” is about envisioning and enabling. Whether for decision-making or career development and choice, the assessments are really about ascertaining the individual's "current state," a snapshot of where they are at that moment of time; also predict his or her “to be” state, their potential to be who they want to become. Study the choices and select the unusual choice which is based on long term vision and unique competency. 

We are stronger through diversity and become ultra-modern through inclusiveness. It allows us to perceive things via unusual angles, connect unusual dots, explore many “unusual options” that one individual or a homogeneous group might not have uncovered. What an innovative leader most often does is to convey their vision, harness their skills, talent, drive, passion and enthusiasm of the whole organization and direct that to unify shared goals, sustain a balance of creativity and process; opportunities and risk; individualism and teamwork, science and art, intuition and logic; forward-thinking and lesson learned to make a digital leap.


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