Friday, December 21, 2018

Creativity and Psychology

All of us have a creative/artistic side while also having a curious and scientific side. Tear down the mental barriers and tap in your inherent creative abilities. 

Creativity is the mental process to generate novel ideas. What fuels creativity? It is a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. What is the psychology of creativity? On one hand, we have the level of curiosity, desire to learn and there is natural ability to maintain an open and inquisitive mind, and on the other hand, we have the conditions of the environment in which we operate, with all restrictions, needs, gaps, and pressures that might push our creative minds to soar. More specifically, what's the psychology of creativity?

Creativity and cognition: There is a cognitive process in creativity. Cognition is a faculty for the processing of information, applying knowledge, and changing preferences. Enhancing our “description of the world and ourselves within it” is cognition and differs from ordinary or usually habitual thoughts. Cognition can happen in many different ways and their combinations. It involves exploring varieties of meanings, thoughts, abandoning old connection, and establishing new relations to connect unusual dots for sparking creativity. In neuronal terms, this involves disabling some of the “wiring” and working on the new ones. All of that requires a deliberate mental effort. Psychologically speaking, all humans are bestowed with three basic instincts which are humility, curiosity, and creativity. Amazingly, there are also intertwined. Humility brings egoless awareness of our knowledge limitation; curiosity drives us to learn new things, and creativity urges us to change and figure out the new way to solve problems. Humility energizes curiosity and curiosity ignite creativity. In simple words, without humility, curiosity is feeble and without curiosity, creativity is ineffectual.

Creativity and emotion: Creativity comes from within. Creativity is a puzzle many people intend to decode. What’s the correlation between emotion and creativity? Certainly when you think that every rational thought is linked to emotions and creates a feeling. This is an ongoing process just like the feeling to improve and to create. The kind of emotions within a person that triggers a creative process can be numerous and most likely will be a combination of emotions! Creativity represents internal cognizance, but emotionally undermined psychological process facilitates (not determines) to behave innovatively. Joy, pain, love, or anger, different kind of emotions is involved to truly become innovative. Creativity is infused with an inner cohesion, emotional wholeness and comes from a vision of uniqueness. The interaction between what is within us (the self), and how we project to the exterior world is the bridge to achieving wholeness, as well as trigger our creativity. Even though we might all have similar guideposts for our inner wholeness, but we don't have the same grasp of truth unless we can accept similar wholeness of our inner self. The constant negotiation between our essence and our projection leads to growth, creativity, and human evolution. Being innovative is a state of mind which leads us to understand the inner wholeness, since innovation, the practical application of creativity is essentially about problem-solving at various levels, and to solve a problem implies a wish to make something as perfect as possible. That, in itself, seems to lead to a wish for understanding the wholeness and trigger the combination of emotions to harness creativity.

Creativity and consciousness: As human beings, consciousness is at the heart of who we are. If creativity is the process of assembling previously disparate or unconnected ideas into a new whole, then it can only be a conscious act to do so. The more conscious we grow, the more aligned we become with our intuition, the more chance we can practice creativity muscle. Bu creativity is even more sophisticated than that. Creativity is a result of living in your intuitive space. Cognition, or cognitive processes, can be natural or artificial, conscious, subconscious or unconscious. These processes can be understood from different perspectives within different contexts. Creativity comes into play when we call upon our conscious mind with the intention to bring forth solutions from our unconscious. It is a conscious mind we call with some unconscious activities of allowing creativity flow. Our minds have access to both conscious thoughts and at times unconscious thought. The interaction between the “Self” and the exterior world is Consciousness, which is trying to manifest itself in a way that is unique to you. But to be truly creative requires sometimes, the suppression of many of the parts of consciousness which we rely on heavily in everyday life. So the subconscious mind can speak or do multitasking. It has the thinking capacity to produce creative ideas for the disparate tasks or even brings those precious “Aha moments.”

All of us have a creative/artistic side while also having a curious and scientific side. Tear down the mental barriers and tap in your inherent creative abilities. When you are courageous enough to follow the gut and curious enough to understand the surroundings, self-conscious, self-discover, self-motivated, self-adaptive, and get out of the "fear" that blocks your own genius. you learn how to liberate the imagination, unlock creativity, and come up with a new approach to solve problems and make self-actualization.


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