Monday, June 28, 2021

A Set Of Belief

Individual, team, or organization have a unique set of beliefs and core competencies to achieve their goals and reach a high level of performance and maturity.

Every organization has a story: a set of missions, beliefs, values, myths, history and judgements about the inner world of work, and the external environment around them. The sustained business success depends not only on the “hard” factors such as process or technology, but also soft elements such as culture with a set of good virtues such as professionalism, positives, teamwork, trust, empathy, and loyalty, etc. We can call these shared values or a belief system. 

By instilling passion and sharing common belief, If a team clicks, it may reach a shared insight of a situation which is always better than individual belief, and lift their organization up to the next level of the organizational maturity.

If an individual or a digital organization is like a plant that keeps growing, belief is the root; the deeper the root is, the stronger the plant would grow: While most beliefs are learned and ingrained in our minds at a very young age, some are general knowledge, some are conventional wisdom. Some of these beliefs develop from our misinterpretation of what we see, hear and experience. The right set of beliefs drive positive attitudes and motivate good behaviors. An innovative mind holding strong belief has the raw endurance, passion, and perseverance that keep you motivated despite obstacles, with single-mindedness to stay focused and resilience to fail forward. However, some outdated beliefs can mislead people to think extremely, stimulate negative emotions, stifle changes, or respond to varying situations negatively. So if we try to change our emotional response to events, looking for better ways to react and interact. This is like trying to change the fruit on a tree. We must change the belief that causes the thought that creates the emotion.

Digging into the roots takes significant effort - by peeling back layer after layer, individuals and organizations can discover why they think, feel and operate the way they do. Once you find where a particular belief originated, it’s easier to realize that the beliefs can change. Once the belief has changed, the reaction will automatically change. By changing your thinking, you change the beliefs and change the emotions leading to different decisions, different actions, different outcomes, and become a more self-aware and self-improving person with empathy. Collectively, in the organizational setting, businesses reach the inflection point of transformation as they update their underlying beliefs, recharge their energy and accelerate their performance effectively.

Attitude is developed based on our beliefs, knowledge, experience, and it’s basically ''how we react to any situation that comes up'': If belief is the root to grow our thinking tree; attitude is our settled mode of thinking; it constitutes the belief of the person, the emotions attached to that belief and the action part resulting from both. Unfortunately, some of these learned beliefs are outdated, and oftentimes limit our mind, cause negative attitudes, and lock our creativity. Only if we analyze how the identities and beliefs of the human beings are impacted by change and address these changes, can we change our mindset, adopt a new attitude, and lead to innovative changes.

Attitude is a vibration...a frequency our human personality carries within it that it exudes around, and then affects the world outside through the frequency of this vibration. If one's attitude is positive, he/she takes it as a challenge or good opportunity and if it is negative, he or she perceives it as a threat, or a big problem. So making an argument of beliefs or a set of values, and, if needed, change some of them, provide new identities and adapt behavior to new roles communicating and convince us that this change is an advantage with a positive impact, then something new and consistent can develop and scale up seamlessly to expedite our collective progress.

It is important to hold a strong belief- if it’s both right and deep, believe in self, in change, in direction, in innovation, and in the desired outcomes: The mental pathways that facilitate the development of values, beliefs and norms are the same as spiritual conventions. With belief, you have the grit mindset which is a critical trait as an innovator. With belief, you have a great attitude to overcome challenges; with belief, you act promptly and drive needed changes without procrastination. In fact, culture is a collective attitude based on a set of beliefs, corporate DNA, and a business brand. Since culture has such a large impact on individual actions and how people accomplish work, there is an overwhelming temptation to fiddle with cultural attributes—values, norms, and beliefs

Culture is created and shaped by a cascade of influences. To change culture, sometimes, you need to change your belief - the root of your mentality. Technically, change impact analysis and business readiness are two key processes that need to be conducted to give the management a glimpse of what’s the current situation and the future if it’s not changed. Coach people to shift from the belief that change is "loss" to a belief that change leads to "growth" and growth leads to organizational viability, relevance, and long-term prosperity. With a common set of beliefs and updated knowledge, the result is people who are not related are able to work together, pull in the right direction for making radical changes, or push the same button to get things done effortlessly.

Every competitive individual, team, or organization has a unique set of beliefs and core competencies to achieve their goals and reach a high level of performance and maturity. Going digital is more like a journey than a destination. Believe in ourselves, believe in others; believing in, by working together, we can make things happen.


Cumi hideung adalah makanan tradisionil Jawa barat yang terbuat dari landasan cumi-cumi.

Dengan bahasa Indonesia cumi hideung ini terkunci dengan panggilan cumi hitam. Seperti namanya cumi hitam, jadi tidak bingung bila cumi ini diolah dengan tinta hitamnya hingga berwarna jadi hitam.

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