Friday, July 26, 2019

Select Board Directors with Mixed Personality

Leadership is the combination of character and competencies. Anyone was drawing a correlation about leadership based on introversion/extroversion could only have "Irrational Thought."

There are many ways to be an effective leader. It all starts with ourselves and who we are, vision, skills, and personality, etc. The thoughts are communicated from one person to another, giving rise to a personality. From a leadership development perspective, who makes the better leader and why? What do introverts need to learn to advance? What problems do extroverts have? The Digital Board as one of the senior leadership pillars is responsible for ensuring an appropriate mix of skills, knowledge, experience, and personality are present or available for it to fulfill its fiduciary function and improve leadership maturity.

When we say personality we are talking about mindsets/ traits/emotions/attitudes/behavior: Personality is not about the overt, strictly speaking. The overt is, in reality, a mere manifestation of this covert aspect: everything from posture to clothes is determined by the internal personality. There are two common defined personalities: Introversion is turning inward toward the interior world of ideas. Extroverts, on the other hand, live almost exclusively in and for the exterior world, deriving fulfillment from regular interaction with outer reality. Ambiverts, the emergent concept to describe the personality in between, which has both introverted and extroverted traits, but neither trait is dominant, as a result, they have more balanced or adaptive personalities to fit in different circumstances. From leadership development perspective, you don't always have to be the most outgoing or have the strongest personality to be an awesome and effective leader. The high-effective and high mature leadership is based on vision, learning agility, and changeability, not just personality only. Good personality testing from leadership development perspective covers critical thinking, problem-solving, pressure handling, creativity, innovation, inventiveness, and communication skills, assess the psychological preferences in how leaders would perceive the digital ecosystem, their thought processes and mental strength to make decisions.

Personality can change over a period of time depending on the consistency of practices: Personality comes from one's convictions and value systems not only preferred but also personally practiced. Given these parameters, personality can change over a period of time depending on the consistency of practice. When identifying and selecting senior leadership candidates for positions such as corporate directors, a critic and basic fundamental core requirement which is often overlooked and compromised along the way is the individual's personal core values such as integrity, learning agility, or trustworthiness, etc. These are basic simple principles that you will find in strong digital leadership. Either for introverted leaders or extroverted leaders, leadership substance includes, but not limited to authenticity, character, vision, creativity, empathy, humility, and wisdom. An outgoing leaders can make constructive criticism and provide invaluable feedback. An introverted leader can spend more time on contemplation and observation carefully, to see around the corner, think profoundly and independently, share their thoughts, gain empathy, and empower those around them.

Thoughts shape our personalities and visa versa: Regardless of your personality traits, leaders should invest in individual communication within their team members, to achieve growth on a greater scale. Visionary and transformational leaders are in strong demand. It’s a significant hill to climb for those interested in the transformation of business and the planet. Great leaders empower others, make room for them to grow, set a tone and environment that creates more leaders, it is about giving direction, motivation, and purpose while improving the organizational maturity. Although it is difficult to measure transferable skills and cross-industry innovation ability, especially when there is a natural bias to select exactly what you need today (status quo) vs. skills needed to change for the better tomorrow. Too many "people at the top" are managing and not leading anywhere. Transformational leaders have the ability to help the organization develop a vision of what it can be, to mobilize the organization to accept and work toward achieving the new vision, and to institutionalize the changes that must last over time. Have a mixed or paradoxical personality traits allow them to lead change and drive digital transformation with a balanced mindset, behavior, activities.

Leadership is the combination of character and competencies. Anyone was drawing a correlation about leadership based on introversion/extroversion could only have "Irrational Thought." Leadership is about change (progress and advancement), it is about minding the gap and harnessing innovation, and leadership is about growing more leaders, not just producing followers. Also, senior leaders such as board directors have the power to change the rules, they will be under considerable pressure to make exceptions and end rules at times. So, they must have a strong personality, set a tone and environment that creates more leaders.


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