To explore the art of possibility and accelerate the progressive change, don’t always take a shortcut by going straight line, wearing dark glasses, or getting stuck in the little thinking box and comfort zone.
Nowadays change is unavoidable and disruption is inevitable. The multidimensional digital transformation provides impressive advantages in terms of the speed of delivering business solutions and the ability to adapt to changes. It is the radical change that “the company reinvents itself” by fine-tuning its underlying processes, functions, culture, or business model. Digital transformation is a tough journey with bumpy road, having numerous barriers and many pitfalls on the way. Here are a few shapes and colors perhaps mislead the progressive digital transformation。
Straight line: Traditional organizations are top down hierarchy and traditional management often apply one way communication and practice linear logic to drive efficiency. Linear systems are based on the arithmetic principle - doubling the input doubling the output, adding two inputs together leads to adding the two outputs. It does not encourage cross-functional communication and collaboration. The matter of fact is, in the physical or business world, most relationships are nonlinear, change is continuously happening and spiraling up in such a dynamic environment. The “VUCA” new normal is nonlinear due to the mixed structures, increased flux, hyperconnectivity, and unpredictability. Taking linear logic or process to handle transformative change often won’t work, perhaps even traps the organization to improve one part of the organization at the expense of other parts of the business. Therefore, from vision to communication to change to innovation, the linear “straight line” approach is perhaps misleading; the circular vision, golden circle or upward change spirals are the better shapes to picture a dynamic business normality. Organizational management should apply Nonlinear Thinking to do multidimensional analysis, and take a holistic approach to problem-solving. From the organizational structure perspective, the circular or onion-like organizational layer is different from the command-control type of linear hierarchy. From innovation management perspective, to drive up the spiral impact, organizations have to make a shift from overly focusing on linear individual line extension or renovation to developing a broader balanced portfolio with the right mix of incremental innovation and breakthrough innovation.
Black and white: The polarity or binary thinkers often take the “black and white” logic, embrace the opposite sides and take the two-dimensional lenses to perceive the multi-facet world. such mindset or view is too rigid in the outlook; too judgmental in managing relationship; and too static to sense the change. They are resistant to listen to the diverse viewpoint; have no intention to search for new knowledge, lack of curiosity to understand the other side of the coin; push the people to take the side too early. Many times, they become the part of problems which they try to solve. Because they only focus on symptoms, or catches the conventional understanding of content, but lack of systems thinking skill to gain contextual insight beneath the surface. Collectively, group polarization has become one of the biggest pitfalls in decision making. To improve business professionalism and leadership maturity, people with binary thinking process need to train themselves with systems thinking -to see how the parts connected with the whole, independent thinking -to shape your own opinion by leveraging different resources for information collection, and see the colorful world as it always is.
The digital world is nonlinear, multidimensional and colorful. To explore the art of possibility and accelerate the progressive change, don’t always take a shortcut by going straight line, wearing dark glasses, or getting stuck in the little thinking box and comfort zone. Be adventurous to take a detour for making new discoveries and enjoying the emerging scenes, appreciate the full color themes, and practice out-of-them-box thinking all the time, in order to make the seamless digital paradigm shift.
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