Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Vivid Shape, Texture, and Architecture of Digitally Mature Organization

The art of digital management discipline is about re-imagining the shape, texture, and architecture of the business and reinventing its functions, culture, and capabilities to get digital ready.

With rapid changes and frequent disruptions, organizations need to possess certain digital characteristics and capabilities such as responsiveness, speed, flexibility, and adaptability to survive. They have to develop and deliver products and services with consistent quality to their customers and stakeholders while continually maintaining or improving their competitive advantage. A digital organization demonstrates the vivid shape, texture, and architecture, brings greater awareness of the intricacies and the systemic value of organizational systems, business process, people dynamics, resource alignment, and technological touches.

Organizational shape: Traditional organizations are usually operated as the mechanical system with the overly restricted pyramidal hierarchy. To effectively respond to the business dynamics, digital organizations need to be run as an organic system like the tree which keeps growing and self-renewing. There is nothing wrong with hierarchy as long as the relationship structure is healthy and it’s sensitive and responsive to rapid changes in order to move up to the next level of organizational maturity. The other metaphor about the digital organizational structure is the “octopus organization” which continues to permit flexibility. Each leg is capable of independent responses to threats and feeding opportunities. This diffuses the overall objectives throughout the organism while allowing parts of the organism to respond independently within its scope and ability to contribute to the overall business objectives. Regardless of your imagination, digital organization needs to be designed openly for anyone with ideas on how human organizations ought to be contrived in the face of the strategic imperatives in the digital era of choice, innovation, and people-centricity.

Business texture: Digital business spontaneously self-organizes; generates patterns, structures, and layers, to create unique texture. Business texture reflects the sort of relationship patterns and dynamic balance. Enterprises have always been part of simple and complex ecosystems, digital organization and its ecosystem are open, nonlinear, dynamic, and adaptive.with seamless alignment, communication, collaboration, integration, and harmony, etc. Behind every problem is a relationship dynamic out of alignment. Thus, understanding the business texture - the interconnectivity of systems and relationship dynamics are important for both identifying the real issues and solving them smoothly. To function seamlessly, an enterprise has to be linked to the many and varying touch points between itself and its marketplace environment. The business texture also reflects the coherence and dynamism of the organization - solid enough to give some sort of form/meaning and open enough to its environment to allow business movement of people, ideas, and information, etc, in and out.

Business architecture: The role of Business Architecture is to design and manage digital business that can respond to multidimensional factors impacting business model, operations, and reputation. It seeks to represent the architecture of an organization in terms of performance, process, information, and capability, either as it exists or as it is intended to be. It helps to orchestrate the business interrelationship between people and process, facilitate the planning and communication of business change and transformation. Business architecture can also be very valuable for performing a wide array of services such as strategic positioning, business process measurement and optimization, and a wide array of other business functions. It tends to focus on the use of verifiable information about the capabilities of both the enterprise itself and its influencers in the ecosystem in which the enterprise operates and brings an understanding of how information technology is managed. It brings a unique viewpoint including value proposition, business model, products/services monetization, culture analysis, cost/resource model etc. Business architecture helps to facilitate the varying business dialogues and orchestrate the radical digital transformation seamlessly.

Organizational digital maturity is not just about scientific fluency with technical excellence or process efficiency, but also about mastering the art of management discipline by reimagining the shape, texture, and architecture of the business and reinventing its functions, culture, and capabilities to get digital ready.


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