Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Logical Scenario to Build Digital Workforce Competency

A digital workplace encompasses so much that it's hard to isolate it from other dimensions of the enterprise. 

The digital world moves into a hyper-connected and interdependent digital relationship under “VUCA” business new normal. Part of the digital transformation journey is to prepare people to get digital ready psychologically and intellectually.

Modern digital technologies bring unprecedented convenience for people to learn and work, improve their productivity, learning agility, and innovativeness. Evaluating the digital readiness of the business is important to allow room for adjustments and keeping the organization dynamic and informative. Here is the logical scenario to build digital workforce competency.

Balance task management with thought leadership and behavioral leadership:
Today’s digital workforce is hyperdiverse and interdependent. To lead effectively, digital leadership is less about “how,” more about “why” and “what.” Authenticity is the foundation to be a Thought Leader and a change agent who presents creativity and wisdom at the core of leadership principles.

Being an authentic leader is critical because if you know yourself, you are also better suited to tackle different challenges that will come your way as a leader; to make you think about what truly drives you to lead and why. It allows you to leverage that knowledge to increase the influential outreach for the betterment of others, and balance task management with thought leadership and behavioral leadership. A motivated digital leader with the right approach can drive the team to become self-disciplined, build digital workforce competency and achieve better business results.

Translate senior management vision and goals into workforce "language": Business management needs to pay attention to creating shared and admirable goals, and then, articulate them into workforce language, develop an inclusive and innovative team to compete and collaborate as they deem fit. Digital leaders today are able to not only articulate the vision but communicate it in various forms and forums, including investor relations, business partners, talent personnel, as well as the other CxOs in the company.

“Language” influences perceptions. For example, many talent management experts dislike the term Performance Management because traditionally, it is a logistic and an administrative process to do routine tasks such as annual performance review, with much negative implication. To truly develop digital workforce competency, "development, enhancement, and coaching" imply a better mindset, captures both the individual's and the organizational needs and sets the scene for a process to achieve your organizational goals at a technical, behavioral and attitudinal level. That's all about bringing your cumulative best talents and efforts to bear on business challenges and maximize performance results.

Feedback allows input into direction and objectives of workforce management:
Disorder, friction, mal-performance, etc, are the common phenomenon in ever-changing digital dynamic workplace. Digital organizations are hyper-connected and interdependent; the multidisciplinarity such as psychology, sociology, technology, and philosophy must be applied for improving talent management effectiveness in order to build a conducive organizational climate.

 If you want your team to create a great future, they need to be responsive to feedback. Feedback is information that enables you to improve; it is a solution to the problem of cluelessness, and it’s always about the future. The feedback gaps can only be closed when the working environment is diverse, dynamic, energetic, and innovative. Don’t forget about communication, transparency, and acts of integrity on the part of talent management in building a hybrid and high competent workforce.

Self-management is not practiced on others, but on self: The high degree of the team’s or the organizational self-management capability reflects its maturity to be disciplined to do the work well in a dynamic and highly innovative environment. Individually, self-management is about knowing and comprehending how you can manage emotions and behaviors and as an individual recognize what is best to think and do, in relation to the betterment of his/her own life, including effective communications.

Self-management taps the inner and outer resources of strength, and to get yourself doing things with disciplines, practices and achieve the ultimate goals. Collaboratively, self-organizing is about empowerment and trust. You know the team will deliver the best outcome and give them the freedom to do it on their way. Organize your self-managed digital organization to define your circles, roles, and authority through the members of your organization. It helps empower people, nurture trust, or inspire peace. High level of autonomy is the symbol of digital maturity by streamlining the digital flow from top-down to bottom-up. A self-organizing team, thus, has the full authority on the business practices, processes, tools, engineering methods they would like to use to build business competency.

Digital culture and workforce management refinement: Digital organizations today need to redefine themselves where talent can develop and learn more rapidly than anywhere else. The effective workforce management focuses on attraction, engagement and performance alignment. The business management needs to accomplish the strategic goals through their people. 

 Today’s digital workforce has to continue learning and keep updating their skills and build their professional competency to proactively adapt to changes. Therefore, employee engagement and empowerment are important to build workforce competency. Shape a digital culture so that employees are willing to give discretionary effort and always looking for ways to improve their own and team performance. 

The digital management team should guide and motivate people to maximize their potential, their engagement with business realities and their personal fulfillment. A holistic people management discipline involves development, enablement, and enhancement, to well align with talent management, culture management, and strategy management, and it’s really intrinsically motivated and courageous enough to achieve strategic business goals with accelerated speed.

A digital workplace encompasses so much that it's hard to isolate it from other dimensions of the enterprise. Developing high mature digital workforce won’t happen overnight, it takes the logical scenario for planning, adapting, and innovating for developing high-performance and high-innovative workforce and building differentiated business competency.


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