Blogging is not about writing, but about thinking, brainstorming, innovating and sharing.

Enterprise Architect as a Dialog Facilitator As our digitized world becomes hyper-connected, over-complex, and interdependent, surviving and thriving in today’s business dynamic requires empathetic communication, structural flexibility, cross-functional collaboration, inter-relational process, and dynamic competency to reduce business friction and deal with conflicts or disruptions continually.
The Monthly “Digital Master” Book Tuning: GRC Perception and Practice June 2020 The important characteristics of digitalization are over-complexity, uncertainty, and ambiguity. Hence, GRC (governance, risk management, and compliance) becomes more critical than ever. Here's the context; how should GRC programs be approached? Should technology be a driver? Can you achieve any level of GRC without automation? Can you achieve any level of GRC without people? What is the real driver of GRC?
Innovation Intensity and competency Innovation is similar to "the sum is larger than its parts" and is what leads to differentiation. Innovation shouldn’t be serendipity. It is a high mature digital capability that needs to be built via disciplines, structures, processes, and practices. At today's modern organizations, variety, hyperconnectivity, diversification, collaboration, and flexibility increase innovation intensity and expand the ever-evolving digital innovation ecosystem.
Contemporary CIOs Think as “Chief Enterprise Architect” The breadth and depth of IT management include people management (talented people with skills and capabilities), process management (workflow, process effectiveness & efficiency), organizational architecture design, IT portfolio management, and performance management. IT works both in the business and on the business. A strong IT can lift up the maturity of the entire company. Forward-looking businesses always empower their IT organization to build up a set of unique competencies. Contemporary CIOs think as “Chief Enterprise Architect,” and the first skill an "architect" must-have is "abstraction" - being able to step back from details and see patterns, generalization, standards, context, and a bigger picture, reimagine IT structure design and reinvent IT to get digital ready.
The Monthly “Digital Hybridity” Book Tuning: Balance the “Hard” & “Soft” Elements in Digital Transformation May 2020 The purpose of the book “Digital Hybridity: How to Strike the Right Balance for Digital Paradigm Shift” is to shed some light on how to strike the right balance of stability and changes; being transactional to keep spinning and being transformational to leap forward for making a seamless digital paradigm shift.Digital organizations should apply the hybrid management approach, focus on building a diverse, networked, and extended modern working environment in which the powerful digital platforms and computing technologies enable seamless conversations, delayer overly rigid organizational hierarchy, inspire idea-sharing and brainstorming, and engage employees and partners to achieve the high-performance result.
Blogging is not about writing, but about thinking about the new ideas; it’s not just about WHAT to say, but about WHY to say, and HOW to say it. It reflects the color and shade of your thought patterns, and it indicates the peaks and curves of your thinking waves. Unlike pure entertainment, quality and professional content takes time for digesting, contemplation and engaging, and therefore, it takes time to attract the "hungry minds" and the "deep souls." It’s the journey to amplify diverse voices and deepen digital footprints, and it's the way to harness your innovative spirit.
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