Saturday, June 6, 2020

The Monthly “Decision Master” Book Tuning: Decision-Making Maturity June, 2020

There are many variables in complex decision making, there are tradeoffs you have to leverage, and there is no magic formula to follow. 

"Decision Master” refers to the digital leaders or professionals who can leverage multidimensional thought processes, information, and intuition, and take a step-wise scenario for making effective decisions consistently.

Decision Masters also refer to the businesses or organizations that follow a set of well-defined principles, leverage fine-tuned decision processes, efficient information management systems, decision frameworks, tools, and metrics to enable people across the organization to make effective decisions collaboratively.

                 Decision-Making Maturity

Apply Decision-Making Framework to Improve Decision Maturity The decision framework is defined as a set of principles/models that underpins the governance of decision management. It can mean the structural skeleton which defines building blocks of decision management such as structured processes or methodologies, roles & rules, standards, etc, and how these blocks relate to each other. It also describes the best practices of how decisions should be done from the methodology, process, and technical perspective.

The Effectiveness and Efficiency of Decision Making Making a decision is one of the significant tasks for business leadership. However, the high ratio of strategic decisions has been made poorly and caused a catastrophic effect. There is fuzziness in the decisions because there is fuzziness in conflicting criteria. An effective decision can be defined as an action you take that is logically consistent with the alternative you perceive, the information you get, and the preference you have. But how to make effective and efficient decisions in the face of today’s complexity and uncertainty.

“Digital Valley” Book Tuning: How to Achieve Decision Making Excellence Making decisions is one of the most significant tasks for leaders, managers, and digital professionals today. There are strategic decisions, operational decisions, and tactical decisions. The reason decision making is often a difficult task because it is contextual and situational, it takes a unique individual to understand a situation and relate it to the present. There are many variables in complex decision making, there are tradeoffs you have to leverage, and there is no magic formula to follow. So what are some effective decision-making mentalities, which tools should you apply, and what processes are necessary to achieve decision-making excellence?

What’s the Magic Formula to Make the Right Decision? Having all the facts to make the best decision is a utopia we would all like. But as the saying goes, if you don't move swiftly someone may eat your lunch. Technically, how shall you weigh in the data and gut feeling to make the effective decision at the right time?

The New Book “Decision Master” Introduction Chapter 5 Decision Maturity Making a decision is one of the most significant tasks for leaders, managers, and digital professionals today. There are many variables in complex decision making, there are tradeoffs you have to leverage, and there is no magic formula to follow. So, what are some effective decision-making mentalities, which tools should you apply, and what processes are necessary to improve decision maturity and achieve decision-making excellence?

The blog is a dynamic book flowing with your thought; growing through your dedication; sharing your knowledge; conveying your wisdom, and making influence through touching the hearts and connecting the minds across the globe. The “Future of CIO” Blog has reached 2 million page views with about #6800 blog postings. Among 59+ different categories of leadership, management, strategy, digitalization, change/talent, etc. Blogging is not about writing, but about thinking and innovating the new ideas; it’s not just about WHAT to say, but about WHY to say, and HOW to say it. It reflects the color and shade of your thought patterns, and it indicates the peaks and curves of your thinking waves. Unlike pure entertainment, quality and professional content takes time for digesting, contemplation, and engaging, and therefore, it takes the time to attract the "hungry minds" and the "deep souls." It’s the journey to amplify diverse voices and deepen digital footprints, and it's the way to harness your innovative spirit.


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