Monday, November 23, 2020

Insight Upon Change Obstacles

Change cannot be just another thing that needs to be accomplished, it has to be woven into communication, process, and action of the company in a systematic way. 

Change is the new normal with increasing speed. There are two types of change: proactive and reactive. Proactive implies anticipation of changes via predictive or pre planning change scenarios. Reactive is adaptive to change that has already occurred or is underway. Many changes, especially business transformation are difficult, you have to remove roadblocks, overcome change obstacles, get out of the “comfort zones,” and manage change in a structural way.

Underestimated learning/change curves: The change curve which is a model of the states that people who are to change will go through, is applicable to everyone even those who planned and conceived the vision. Having change curve awareness means how much change capabilities are really required for the change effort you are kicking off. There are both psychological curves and knowledge/ skill/capacity/methodological curves for changes. Technically it’s the first step that goes through during change when in actuality they are the steps that come before change can take place. Having a learning curve awareness also means to understand how change capabilities are underpinned by people, processes, and technology, and how much change capabilities are really required for change efforts you are kicking off. The answer would be to promote the positives to try to capture those on the periphery.

Change curves exist because these days it is pretty tough to get attention as there is so much going on. Change can no longer just a one-time initiative or spontaneous effort, it should be the ongoing business capability with both hardcore elements such as resource/skills and the soft touches such as communication. Each person has their own change curve and as a change agent, you learn that you need management to sponsor and reinforce the change. In the corporate level, being more in sync with people, which in the end, does not prevent change managers from having a process for securing and accelerating the implementation of the change effort.

Ineffective processes & tools: Silo or inflexible processes stifle changes. To manage a smooth change continuum, organizations have to be holistic and forethoughtful to deal with strategic change such as digitalization and become nimbler about handling tactical changes such as updating technologies, optimizing processes, and making continuous change deliveries. At the organizational level, change management shouldn’t be just about taking a few random business initiatives, it’s an ongoing business capability with multi-stepped processes that include both change resolution and change management disciplines and practices.

Ineffective processes & tools decelerate change, it’s important to understand how change capabilities are underpinned by change processes, people, and technology. Engaging around change is a far deeper, more difficult process. It includes listening and understanding the realities that people face as much as it does to conveying information. The dynamic Change Management process must be open to new insights and adaptable to the emerging events. It requires much more effective collaboration and optimized processes for minimizing cost, time and risk whilst maximizing scalable solutions. In practice, accomplish change by identifying the pain points through unique well-developed processes. It involves connecting with people at an emotional as well as a rational level and working out the best way to meet multiple needs within a change process. Outline change implementation process with assignments, dates, and deliverable.

Lack of breadth space between change initiatives: Many change efforts fail due to change inertia or change fatigue. To dig deeper, there is lack of leadership effectiveness such as having trouble prioritizing initiatives, or lack of breadth spaces between change initiatives. When a change initiative is completed, often the team walks away without sum-up or checking to see if it adds value or evaluating if additional work is required. The lack of recognition of change impacts individuals and businesses’ willingness to extend themselves again for the next change. Change is not for its own sake, it has to create value and accelerate performance.

The human element of change entails a people-centric approach to change management style. It’s imperative to awaken the changing consciousness of the people. Leadership reflection, organizational super consciousness and employee engagement are all crucial to the change continuum. Without taking a breath to look back, plowing on to the next big thing before completely embedding the change into business as usual or running multiple simultaneous changes can leave a workforce reeling and exhausted. In fact successful change management is critical to improve the organizational maturity from functioning to delight.

Cultural, structural, or systemic obstacles: Many people resist changes because of uncertainty, fear of taking them outside their comfort zone. Collectively, it’s important to understand the psychology behind change and overcome cultural barriers. In the organizational setting, to embrace change requires the change of mindset at every level and gain a good understanding that things cannot stay the same. It’s also critical to motivate people to acquire relevant knowledge, develop changeability, and then truly make change happen, engage people in the design of change solutions so that issues can be surfaced and addressed early. walk through “look, listen, question, understand, plan, test and collaborate,” scenario and take advantage of the latest technology trend such as enterprise social platforms or other collaboration tools that provide a more effective way in cross-functional communication and cross-project collaboration. Planned change, tuning organizational structures & systems and participative management are central to success.

Sometimes dealing with structural issues is not always the answer and as such, a constant change is probably not dealing with the real issues in the first place which could also be either HR, culture related or political related. Effective leadership - whether artistic or administrative- involves creativity. There is understandably tension sometimes between the creative and the administrative. Many change efforts need creative people, who can think outside the box, and key stakeholders in parts of the process as well - in order to get an external viewpoint. To make change happening not only on the structural surface, but really ensure the culture is harmonized and the right people are in the right position to take the right tasks, and organization as a whole is optimal than the sum of pieces.

Inadequate measurement system: Measuring change is difficult because the thing you try to measure keeps change. Change indeed is difficult to measure unless all parties involved in the change take ownership of the change and see why and what the change is about. Too many folks measure the journey. If at some intermediate stage, change management measures something that is not congruent with the final outcome, then dysfunctional behavior arises, potentially diminishing the end-to-end change performance. The KPI for change management is to measure the overall outcome, and the cultural adoption of these goals is part of that measure.

There are numerous points-of-view and reference points of varying stakeholders who all have a different view on "change." They must define the “why and what” the change outputs will look like. Well defining the right set of measurements is an important step to managing change effectively. To make change sustain, it is important to manage end-to-end performance, measures will be the appropriate ones. To manage end-to-end change performance, it requires the necessity to establish clear, understandable and easily calculable metrics, ensure people are working on the right things and producing multifaceted business values, and measure things matter to make sure that the value of change will be realized and delivered smoothly. Ultimately, the success of the change program is measured by results that are important values to the organization.

Change cannot be just another thing that needs to be accomplished, it has to be woven into communication, process, and action of the company in a systematic way. The purpose of building change management capability and accelerating radical digitalization is to make a significant difference in achieving people delight and high performing business results.


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