Saturday, November 21, 2020

Illustrate Innovation via Inquiries

 Although almost all serious digital leaders and professionals today understand the importance of asking the right questions, they are not afraid to challenge the status quo and they have the unlimited curiosity to ask questions.

The digital environment is full of uncertainty, velocity, complexity, ambiguity, fierce competitions, and continuous disruptions. And the digital era upon us is about innovation. Making logical inquiries and applying an interdisciplinary approach to manage innovation could be at the tipping point for the digital paradigm shift. Asking questions tells us that we are still curious, still willing to learn, with the beginner's mindset. Inquisitiveness is one of the characteristics of effective leaders in the digital era of information abundance and fast pace of changes to manage innovation effectively.

Dare a little to ask "Why" or "Why not," is a critical step to spur creativity: Either individually or collectively, being innovative means you need to get used to stepping outside the old box to unfamiliar territory, discover and explore your own path to solve problems in alternative ways. Creative leaders and professionals not only ask deep “WHY”s to diagnose the root cause of problems but also ask open-ended questions such as “WHY NOT” or “What If” to spur creativity. Innovation requires thinking beyond, altering or changing the frame of reference to create previously unconsidered solutions. So leaders have to be open-minded, refuse to be bound by constraints and limitations, show flexibility, break down outdated rules, and present resilience.

Exploring emerging opportunities or pursuing possibilities is the hallmark of digital innovation. A clear vision and a handy innovation roadmap could help to “keep the ends in mind,” and take the journey with faster speed. It starts with an innovation strategy defining "what does the organization innovate" or "where should it innovate." Innovative leaders navigate their management journey through continuous asking: “Who, Who not, Where, Where not, What, What not, When, When not, Why, Why not, How, and How not.” The goal is to break down “we always do things like that” mentality and discover innovative ways to do things. More specifically, they ask: Do we really need innovation, who will be held responsible for implementing innovation, what will be the cost, time, risk, and ROI etc. By clarifying important ingredients of innovation and tuning the robust processes, systems, and tools, the organization can generate winning concepts for innovation management on a consistent basis,

What’s the emotional cycle behind innovation?
Environment either encourages or discourages innovation, the ease or difficulties inherent in surviving. There is creative tension and the full emotion cycle behind innovation. The foundation for innovation has to be grounded in one’s “vision;” and discover "truth." The leaders need to ask around: What is triggering your emotions for doing innovation? What about trust? Or what about happiness? What about the right innovation climate? Your personal climate, your team climate or your organizational climate? Asking the right questions helps to validate how thorough and deep your team's thinking is on a particular issue as well as the psychology behind innovation. Look at people and people's activities, come to think of some possession or experiences which will make them related, send meaning to their life, or the meaning of their work, etc, ask great questions to get their feedback, make them see real value in terms of the investment they are ready to shell out for possession or experience of the same.

We seem to all be seeking what human emotions drive us to create or innovate. Every rational thought is linked to emotions and creates a feeling. The kind of emotions within a person that triggers an innovation process can be numerous and most likely will be a combination of emotions! You need conflict to stimulate ideas, passion to pursue the “art of possible.” Innovation, implies a wish to make something, or everything, as perfect as possible. That, in itself, seems to lead to a wish for understanding the wholeness and trigger the combination of emotions to harness creativity. To spark creativity, your digital workforce with heterogeneous team-setting includes all sorts of thinkers-creative thinker, critical thinker, systems thinker, holistic thinker, etc. They would complement each other’s thought processes for bringing up various perspectives and amplify the collective human capabilities. The leader simply coaches the team along the way, including asking more questions as necessary.

How can innovation continue to drive the progress of the human race? Environment either encourages or discourages innovation, the ease or difficulties inherent in surviving: Too easy? Too difficult? What elements did past civilizations possess that added to innovation? Innovation for the sake of innovating is exhaustive because what would be the purpose? The practical application of creativity is essentially about problem-solving at various levels, and to solve a problem innovatively involves breaking down silos and breaking through conventional wisdom, to drive evolutionary or breakthrough innovation. It's always about the questions, particularly to get people to come up with their own answers to solve problems or overcome common human challenges collaboratively. By doing so, you've led them to easily buy-in on the direction to follow.

There are many ingredients In innovation management. It is important to involve not only putting different pieces together but also blending them in such a way that generates novel ideas and stimulates innovation. You could consider all innovations hybridized in that sense and evolve ecosystem perspectives. The goal is to manage a healthy innovation portfolio with hybrid types of innovations, shepherd them through several phases of development, know when to move forward and when to return to an earlier phase. Innovation leaders lead by inquiries to improve innovation success rate. They gain in-depth understanding by asking the right questions and open for varying answers. They not only ask the right questions but rather absorb information forecast potentials; risks/benefits; mitigation and compare and contrast options, facts, ideas against logic and creativity.

Although almost all serious digital leaders and professionals today understand the importance of asking the right questions, they are not afraid to challenge the status quo and they have the unlimited curiosity to ask questions. It takes both courage and humility for them to ask questions, and it takes both insight and wisdom to ask the right questions. With the right innovation appetite, attitude, and aptitude, the organization is on the right track of developing innovation as a business-wide unique competency.


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