Wednesday, June 14, 2023


From letting go of - the current reality to - allow an unknown future state to - emerge, open-mindedly...

Our world is-

complex, ambiguous;

gravity is -

a great discovery,

allowing for equilibrium to -

maintain structure within -

the universe, dynamically.

Purpose is to-

feel accomplished,

for doing meaningful work.

allowing us to -

see further, deeper,

make movement, meaningfully;

set the path to -

progress, disciplinarily.

Knowing who we are,

being self-aware,

allows us to discover-

our innate strength,

latent talent;  

become a wiser human being, ultimately.

Creativity is consciousness;

an innate desire,

allowing us to see -

how all things can be -

either connected, or disconnected to-

create fresh insight

allow fresh ideas to -

flow, channeled, nurtured, constantly,

allow creative minds to-


 unlock potential, freely..

Humility allows us to-

understand ourselves,

understand others,

strike the balance of-

being confident & being humble;

inspire connection between-

gut and mind, energetically;

Fresh insight allows for -

common beliefs to-

be updated with-

world-changing-acts, progressively;

from letting go of -

the current reality to -

allow an unknown future state to -

emerge, open-mindedly.


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