Sunday, June 18, 2023


In every step of- people-centricity, societal evolution, affection is like- lubricate, oxygen, light, enforce understanding, love, wisdom, indispensably.

Human society is-

not perfect, with -

struggling, conflicts,

negative competitions, tensions,

all around the globe;

affection is-

in demand to -

pursue freedom,

equal opportunity,

love, happiness..

to make the world move forward, constantly.

Affectionate leaders know -

what people need,

when they need it;

why they need it;

inspire them to -

explore themselves deeply,

create value, uniquely.

Affectionate parents understand-

their children’s inner strength,

encourage them to -

develop their talent;

be genuine, confident,

invaluable human beings.

Affectionate teachers coach -

students with-

personalized education,

universal love;

empathetic logic,

shape fitting mind & competency,


In every step of-


societal evolution,

affection is like-

lubricate, oxygen, light,

enforce understanding, love, wisdom,


When we learn to-

create inner space of -

clear calmness in-

the storming mind of-

thoughts, emotions,

sensations, intuitions,

we demonstrate -

affection to care,

ability to understand,

power to influence,



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