Thursday, June 22, 2023


Governance is neither linear nor static nowadays, it should be understood via multidimensional lens and get enforced holistically.

Governance is about steering the organization in the right direction. Governance is less about control, more about enabling. Proper governance has incorporated a process for change. 

Effective governance today needs to be people-centric, less process-driven, enhancing cross-functional communication, collaboration, trust, and within the intangible assets of organizations.

Governance must be viewed and assessed at various enterprise levels to increase management maturity: Governance is a mechanism for monitoring the policies, decisions, actions of corporations. Improving governance mechanisms can improve the quality of information and corporate performance.

Often, business ineffectiveness is caused by disconnected or complicated layers of silos or inflexible management hierarchy. Therefore, it’s crucial to look for the linkage between strategy management and operation management, and to improve the quality of performance through governance improvement.

Governance should be understood via multidimensional lenses with multi-faceted value perspectives, and be enforced holistically: Purpose, values and principles are part of corporate ideology or philosophy that define business value, shape a unique culture, and a strong corporate brand. There are varying degrees of understanding of the scale and scope of corporate governance, the context for corporate governance includes a wide range of capabilities which are subject to constant organizational variability.

There are different aspects of governance financially, architecturally, technologically, ecologically, etc, to provide views, rules, methods, and addressing the different focus and perspectives. . It’s also important to set proper governance guidance coupled with deep understanding, both based on clear visibility to enhance multidimensional value proposition.

Governance as a discipline is a living breathing discipline: Because organizations today are more like organic systems that must keep evolving to adapt to the changing environment. There is a very real risk that governance as a discipline perhaps begins to lose focus of its prime purpose if it does not address strategically important emerging issues. Practicing proactive GRC means keeping abreast of standards and auditing to all regulations that affect the company.

Organizations should set a common process to deliver real-time accountability and transparency across regulatory areas to monitor regulatory change. Besides principles, processes, and practice enhancement, innovation, engagement, motivation, etc, are all crucial soft success factors of strong governance.

Governance is neither linear nor static nowadays, it should be understood via multidimensional lens and get enforced holistically. The solid governance structure along with good governance behaviors and best practices steer the organization forward and frame the emerging holistic management discipline of refocusing business vision, rebalancing resources, and reorganizing people to move in the right direction for achieving high performance coherently.


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