Monday, June 26, 2023


It is our connectedness to- the world around us, makes whatever intelligence, we have, truly useful to - ourselves and to others; allow all of us to explore; center around “rightness”

Around us,

there are-

interactions, conversations,

with intentions to -

initiate changes;

deal with tough reality,

day by day…

Around the surroundings,,

change is -

far deeper,

more difficult;

within resistance lies -

fresh energy.

collective wisdom..

Around change,

there is full of -

opportunities, risks;

can you build -

internal abilities to find -

peace, space, and rest,

knowing change is around us, constantly.

Are you able to -

guide, coach,

set expectations,

motivate, develop,

build competency…

Around people,

there are -

conflicts, arguments;

'seeing' the context,

we are 'part' of,

allows us to-

discover the leverage points of -

harmonized progress..

people's cognition depends on -

how they perceive -

the world around them;

how they relate to it by -

applying diverse thought processes,

making psychological adjustments, appropriately.

Around the globe,

people from -

different regions, religions,

cultural heritages interact,

initiate innovation dialogues;

allowing ideas to -

be generated that wouldn't have been possible within-

the constraints of -

individual’s cognitive threshold;

It is our connectedness to-

the world around us,

makes whatever intelligence,

we have,

truly useful to -

ourselves and to others;

allow all of us to explore;

center around “rightness.”


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