Wednesday, June 21, 2023


Innovation has to become your business routine, corporate culture to renew creative energy.

The digital era upon us is about people. Innovation is about generating novel ideas to solve human-related problems. Focusing on people's needs should be the right path to grow innovative fruits. 

Organizations need to get deeply immersed in designing, developing, and producing innovative products, services or solutions to make their customers happier and people more productive. Innovation is what leads to differentiation. There are many ways to differentiate and, therefore, there are many ways to pursue innovation.

Innovation often happens at the intersection of people and business: Organizations today are flatter and information-driven; with an “every individual as a stakeholder” culture, people are encouraged to think differently and do things differently. Whenever people feel respected and needed in an organization, they are highly engaged in their work, encouraged to participate in creative activities, motivated to solve problems innovatively, and catalyze people-centric innovation.

The emerging collaboration platforms and technologies significantly increase employee engagement, and customer satisfaction. It is important to clarify where all the functional boundaries are and who can bring creative energy and influence a culture of innovation. The innovation capability of the business is built through the alignment of people, process, and technology.

Innovation with customer-centricity is one of the focal points for organizations to thrive today: It is without a doubt that many organizations have come to the realization that in order to be more innovative, they have to focus their efforts on the customer experience. For internal users, businesses think of their people as invaluable human capital they can invest in, investigate their passion, discover their strength, make them feel special via personalized solutions to meet their needs.

For end customers, delight customers by presenting the differentiated solutions to make sure that the end user is getting benefit from the content and application, the organization has a set of capabilities that enable it to provide personalized customer solutions and achieve successful outcomes, with the ultimate goal to build a people-centric organization.

Innovation evolution only exists in more open environments that create insights, take advantage of resources scientifically: To become more innovative and people-centric, companies must begin thinking about ways to broaden their ecosystems and revenue streams while becoming more responsive and competitive. Business leaders or professionals with cross-disciplined expertise are able to connect wider dots, generate fresh ideas, and implement great solutions. Forward-thinking organizations build many innovation clusters which are cross-functional communities that help to brainstorm fresh ideas or exchange knowledge. So the expanded boundary amplifies the collective potential to innovate.

Innovation is not serendipity; there are quality, logistics, reliability, system, or the human factor behind innovation management. For many organizations, business ecosystems have evolved without much attention or planning. It's important to create the space for dialogues and debates about why innovation is important for their organization, developing a common understanding of it, creating the necessity and motivation for it. The actual challenge with innovation is to fully understand the business context and systemic risks throughout the innovation management cycle.

Innovation has to become your business routine, corporate culture to renew creative energy and it requires a structural approach to build an enriched innovation ecosystem in which people can learn, experiment, innovate. Take an innovation journey with solid footprints and create beautiful landscapes with multifaceted viewpoints, and build a better society collaboratively.


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