Monday, June 19, 2023


Forward-looking organizations deliberately plan and grow their ecosystem with the goal to innovate effectively and maximize their potential with confluence.

Innovation is neither an oxymoron nor a serendipity, you have to influence a culture of learning & creativity, manage it systematically to generate unique value. The power of influence has many dimensions and depends on a number of factors, from making influence in a certain domain to cross interdisciplinary boundaries, for benefiting people, organizations and human society.

Being innovative is a state of mind, with influential power to make a difference: There is a full emotion cycle behind innovation. Innovation leaders understand how to influence the emotions of employees and instill positive psychology, so people are empowered, intrinsically motivated, and creative to take initiatives for creating unique value. Innovation is complex today; if one’s attitude is positive, he/she takes it as a challenge or good opportunity. It is important to make inquiries of innovation and influence innovation outcome smoothly.

Information is the most intensive piece of innovation. But people filter information differently; understanding the filters that influence one’s unconscious biases is critical to the choice you make and actions you take. The context of influence needs to be made via clear vision, empathetic communication, and cross-boundary collaboration

Innovative influence can be cultivated through positive reinforcement or squelched through negative reinforcement: It is important to strike the right balance between chaos and order; innovation and risk intelligence. On one hand, business professionals today have to apply independent thinking to see things differently; be innovative to take alternative ways to solve problems. On the other hand, business professionals today must shape fitting mindsets and have the right dose of risk appetite to prepare for such a paradigm shift and accept that influence is attainable, but control is not.

People can create their vision that will retro influence them in the present, then, they are really doing something innovatively. It's about opening themselves, leveraging intuition to take “fast thinking” scenarios and switch on creativity purposefully. So innovation competency can be built via vision-influence enablement, breakthrough innovation can be developed via vision-innovation game changing.

Influence the ecosystem environment, and push the human world forward inspirationally: The business ecosystem expands when the business territories blur and the organizational communities broaden their scope and consume all sorts of resources. To effectively respond to the new dynamic and influence its ecosystem environment, forethoughtful organizations need to awaken the information savvy digital consciousness, begin thinking about ways to broaden their ecosystem perspective, start thinking about ways for increasing agility and innovation.

Leading businesses will always be seeking and embracing the influences beyond their own company, riding ahead of learning curves and expanding their ecosystem via deliberate planning, growing, innovating. The mutually supportive ecosystem partners from multiple industries need to communicate, participate, and innovate to renew the business ecosystem for leading global advancement.

Innovation nowadays is critical for the company’s long-term survival and thriving. There are both tangible and intangible elements that need to be knitted into the unique innovation competency of the organization. Forward-looking organizations deliberately plan and grow their ecosystem with the goal to innovate effectively and maximize their potential with confluence.


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